Blood is thicker than water

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All the new fishmen pirate officers have been defeated

Ryo is taking a super long nap Kryos really gave him a serious beating

That's when he feels something and his eyes snap open

Shirahoshi: OH NO LUFFY!

Ryo gets up twinges in pain but runs over and sees luffy falling


Ryo seems to activate his thundercloak for a second before appearing right below luffy and catches him

Ryo: Luffy...LUFFY!

He starts shaking him

He then feels something on his hands and slowly lowers luffy to he ground

And notices his hands are covered with blood

Shirahoshi: Someone help I don't know what to do! I'm afraid he's going to die!

Ussop: wow! Luffy hang in there!

Franky: wu oh!

Shirahoshi crying: Luffys so brave he could've died out there fighting for us

Chopper: this looks bad but I've got a few himostatics here in my bag

He's on the ground

Chopper: thank you Robin

Robin: sure

Ryo: uhh what's up with chopper

Ussop: he can control his monster form but now he's tired beyond belief Is thay new form really worth doing this everytime

Shirahoshi: please doctor tell me luffy is going to be ok

Ryo: Come on chopper please!

Chopper: right I can stop the bleeding but he's lost an awful lot of blood he needs a doner

Brook: ahh

Sanji: well that's no good luffy is the only one of us with type f

Ussop: so we can't do it! Ryo wha5 abbot you!?

Ryo: believe me I wish but no,

Franky: there's gotta be someone who can?

Chopper: somebody!

Franky: help us!

Chopper: we just need one person to help us!

Ussop: come on we are begging you!

Brook: somebody here has to be type f!

Ryo gets on his knees: please! Someone I can't handle losing him he's the only brother I've got left!

Zoro: really not a single one of you

Chopper: oh right I forgot in this country there's actually a low against donating blood to humans

Ussop: What!?

Nami: what kind of law is that? it's cruel!

Ryo: Dammit! After all this guy did for you! You have one chance to oay him back and you aren't gonna take it! You are all a bunch of cowards!

Ryo rushes over too a man

Ryo: You're kid! Said you have type f! So why the hell won't you do it!

Sanji grabs Ryo

Sanji: easy Ryo, calm down

Ryo: oh come on he's being a coward he's got all he needs to save my brother whose the only reason he's even alive and he won't do it!

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