The start of a brotherhood

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Garp is dragging Luffy along and Ryo is following looking bored

"Ryo is Nine by the way"

Luffy: What's wrong with being king of the pirates grandpa , pirates are cool

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Luffy: What's wrong with being king of the pirates grandpa , pirates are cool

Garp: and what makes you think I care!

Luffy: I'm gonna slap you!

Garp: Eating that devil fruit wasn't enough trouble for you now this nonsense, you and your big brothers Ryo and Ace are going to become fine marines, you understand me

Luffy is being dragged by his cheek

Ryo just doesn't listen as he keeps walking and he sees Garp het hit in the back of the head by a tree

They then get taken to the house in a mountain

Ryo swings up on a tree and takes a nap

He sees Garp talking too some weirdos including an orange haired person whose a woman apparently

Garp: Hey Ryo!

Ryo: Hmm

Garp: Come down and talk to the people you'll be staying with

Ryo jumps down and lands like a fox

Ryo: Sup old man

?: I'm a young woman and my name is Dadan you brat!

Ryo: Uhh ok whatever

Bandit: So that one's your grandson but whose this one and why does he have fox ears

Garp: Your second question is a long story and as for your first question he's the son of an old acquaintance


Bandits: well no way

Garp: Fine then I give you two choices you can either raise these two or spend the rest of your lives in prison seems pretty generous considering all the crimes you've committed Hahahaha

Bandit: Thing is I'd rather stay out of the slammer

Bandit 2: Frankly if you asked me that on one of Ace's bad days I might have to choose the prison option after all

Dadan: And three brats yeah no thank you, And these brats look like really charmers, One's got the ears and the tail of a fox while the other just looks stupid

Luffy: Like your face!

Dadan: You wanna fight!, you little punk!

Ryo and luffy both chuckle

Luffy runs away

Ryo follows him then luffy gets spit on

Luffy: Eww gross! Who did that!?

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