The four Brothers

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The four boys are currently under the blanket back at the bandit hideout  looking really beat up

Ryo is once again sleeping like a fox and snoring

He hears Dogra shouting for dadan

Dadan: 1,2,3 huh, 1,2,3 huh, Ace, Ryo, Luffy, Huh Ace, Ryo, Luffy, Huh, ok let's work this out Ace, Ryo, Luffy, Huh Acd, Ryo, Luffy, Huh, Ace, Ryo, Luffy! Whose that other kid with you

Luffy: whose what now 'goes back to sleep'

Ryo: would you shut up we are all still tired 'goes back to sleep'

Ace: yeah come on it's too early for questions 'falls asleep'

Sabo gets up briefly but then falls asleep again

Dadan: 3 Brats is already 3 too many, who the hell are you

Sabo: oh you mean me, right I'm sabo

Dada: Huh Ace's friend I see

Sabo: oh good it's like I'm already living here and you must be Dadan right

Dadan: living here?, listen up kid no-one said you could stay

Sabo farts

Dadan: Don't answer me with a fart!

Sabo laughs and farts again

Dadan: Hey quit farting in my house!, you're jjsy as worthless as those other three low life's mooching off me

Sabo: Really well I heard you're a worthless old hag yourself 'he farts again'

The dadan family does the anime fall

Dadan: Huh! Pull the crap again and you're out of here, actually you're out anyway I don't need anymore brats

Sabo: I also heard that you're a nice old hag that wouldn't leave a kid like me to die in the woods, and you're a tough old hag too so I'll be sure to mind my manners

Dadan: ok the tough part is true but stop calling me a hag you stupid brat

Snaji laughs and dadan growls

Dadan sighs: Luffy, Ryo, Ace, Sabo, there aren't any free rides you twerps better be grateful and get to work this instant

Sabo: you got it thank you

Then they all run out the door in the morning

Sato: oops hold it, Hey dadan you might get some guests later, we pose dof blue jam so he probably wants us dead ok, it's true we beat his crew up and that's why I had to move here later!

They all run off

Sabo: Anyway now what

Ace: Well

Luffy: Let's eat!

Ryo: Hey I could eat the animals around here are delicious anyway

They the three older kids are seen eating a big fish

Sabo: Hey luffy I heard you ate a devil fruit is that true

Luffy: yup

Sabo: I see so that means you can't swim

Ryo: Hey luffy take this

He throws a big piece of meat back at luffy which he just devours

Sabo: oh here have a the tail too

Luffy: thanks you too

Ace: you are too nice

Ryo: Ehh doesn't bother me

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