Punk hazard's history

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Ryo is resting wrapped in his new hoodie while they are using brown beard as their transport

Ryo isn't listening he's just relaxing

Robin: we've been able to keep ourselves warm but our friends might not be so fortunate if they get frostbite they could lose any number of limbs

Ryo: yeah I'm just imagine sanji's legs getting snapped off or Nami loses an arm or maybe even chopper's nose falls off

Ussop: Will you two shut up! Spare us your gruesome concerns ok!

Ryo: ugh no fun

Luffy: don't stop now crocotaur we are almost there

Ryo: Hey that thing it looks like a warship

Ussop: Yup sure looks like one

Luffy: so the navy is on the island?

Brook: what are you sure? when did they get here?

Ussop: Look we've got company

Luffy: wait I know him

Ryo: yeah me too

Luffy: Hey! Hello what you doing here you remember me don't you you helped me out that one time

It was trafalgar law

Zoro: he's here that's the guy we met at the human shop in sabaody

Robin: trafalgar law but why's he here?

Luffy, Right! Traffy he helped Ryo and I out, you guys know back in the battle of marineford he got us off the field and treated out wounds

Robin: he did?

Ryo: Yup he saved our lives

Luffy: ok img king to talk to him right now

Luffy runs off and talks to law

Robin: aren't you going to talk to him

Ryo: Nah not in the mood

Ussop: hey over there the ground a marine, is that who I think it is?

Then a ton of marines run up. It's tashigi and then marine on the ground is smoker

Ryo: (so it's Smoker and his squad interesting)

Tashigi rushes at law crying her eyes out but law takes her down

Zoro: are the both dead?

Ryo: I don't..know

Ussop: Luffy! That's our cue to get out of here!

Luffy: hold on hey you traffy I've got a question for you

Law tells them too head over to the back of the lab saying they'll find what they are looking for

Law: we'll meet again soon we both have things we need to get back

They ride off again on mr crocosaur

and find the rest of the crew

Luffy: Hey! Hey!

Brook: HI everyone ok!

They see Sanji acting really weird

Zoro: huh why is the jackass cook prince prancing around like that?

Ryo: you got me?

Ussop: is it just me or are there giant children with them too?

Nami opens her coat and franky gets closer

Luffy: Wait no don't do it! Franky! Down boy

Franky punches nami in the head really hard

They are in the lab

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