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Ryo is training while they prepare too battle with the flying fish riders again

Luffy: Hey I see something

Franky: from the looks of it I'd say that's the flying fish riders base

Camie: Hey guys be careful ok the mackerel gang have managed to capture me over 30 times already

Ussop: you got captured way too often!, get eaten too often too

They just keep sailing

They cross over into the base

Camie: Hey! Hatchin are you ok!

Papagu: Hey Macro give us Hatchi back!

Robin: am I seeng things or is there something in that cage

Ryo: Nope you're not 'he sniffs' That's ink

Camie: Oh! It kind of looks like hatchin

Papagu: oh wow we're in luck camie there isn't a single enemy in sight maybe they all decided that this is snack time or something

Camie: probably

Ryo face palms

Ussop: You two cannot seriously be this stupid! The blindest man in the world could see that this is a trap

Franky: they are totally hiding out waiting for us to investigate so they can ambush us

Camie: Wow! What a brilliant deduction!

Papagu: that's genius! I never would've thought of that!

Franky: that's why you dumbasses keep getting caught

Ink man: Phew I'm here camie I'm find there's no need to worry ok

Camie: Hatchin it really is you

Camie: Ahhh! What happened you're all black!

Hatchin: well they didn't do that it's my own fault actually anyway this is trap get out of here before they catch you don't worry I can take care of myself I'll be ok so just go

Zoro: something about that guys voice seems really familiar you noticed it too right

Nami: his face too yeah I know who he is.

Sanji: Hey! You so how's arlong doing these days

Hatchin: oh not so good actually him, chu, korobe and all the other got captured by the marines I was the only one who escaped now I've given up my life of crime and I'm running an octopus fritter shop, funny now time flies right

Ryo is just really confused

Luffy then shouts: It's you the dumb squid with the swords!

Hatchin: Ahh they tricked me! Ahh dammit all

Luffy: I'm right aren't I! You where one of arlong's crew, you're the octopus fitter guy what kind of crap is that

Ryo: arlong I think I've heard that name before

Ussop: yeah it was a really long time ago, arlongs home village used too be under the control of a nasty bunch of fishman named the arlong pirates, Nami herself was an even worse situation and had to work for those jerks and this guy hatchi was one of arlongs top henchmen

Ryo sinister: oh yeah how did they treat her

Ussop: well according to her sister it was basically a form of slavery, she had to work for them until she could steal 100 million beris too pay for her village a deal they of course never intended to pay

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