The shocking showdown

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Ryo wakes up

Ryo: Alright I need to find luffy! He's probably on his way to Dolflamingo by now

Ryo keeps running but suddnely he's struck in the chest and sent crashing through buildings

Ryo gets back uo

Ryo: ugh who the hell did that?

then a huge bolt of electricity is launched at him and he blocks it then slams it into the ground

Ryo: you have got to be kidding me?

A very injured Fulguro emerges still sparking looking fully ready for round 2

Fulguro: Oh yeah it can be, I'm an executive of the Donquixote family do you really think I'd let you beat me so easily

Ryo cracks his neck and crackles

Ryo: Fine!,  if you want a round 2 I'd be happy to oblige

Fulguro's grins wildly ready to face off against his opponent

They stare each other down once again

Then the ground breaks beneath them and they rush forward this time no electricity flying this time the shockwave of their clash is all thanks to their Haki

Fulguro: So you really can you Haki, impressive

Ryo: I'm the one who will stand at the top of this world as the strongest and Haki is the way to get there!

Fulguro grins even more

Fulguro: Couldn't agree more, Now let's see winner survives

Ryo: and the loser dies, time for our death match

They stayed silent and then with a huge surge of electricity they launched at each other destroying the remains of the building

Ryo: Thunderous pistol!

Fulguro: Voltic Fist!

Their fists where full encased in lightning and they clashed over and over again

Ryo: Thunderous

He strikes Fulguro in the gut with his foot


Fulguro growls, then grins sadistically and gives Ryo the come and get me hand signal

Ryo cracks his neck again and rushes at him and they are now flying around the area covered in electricity they clashed over and over again

Ryo the appeared above Fulguro


He got ready for a kick


Fulguro jumped right up

Ryo struck him but Fulguro blocked it

Fulguro: Surging!

He covers his hands in electricity and grabbed Ryo's legs

Fulguro: SUPLEX!

He then slammed Ryo too the ground

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