A blood fued

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Neptune: welcome to the palace strawhats, I'm honoured you've chosen to join us and I'm eager to talk with you during the banquet the long flounders will be here shortly to take you too the hall

They get driven by big fish

Ryo is taking a nap he hears soldiers cheering them and then luffy and zoro tells them to shut up

Then Ryo gets up when a diva does a performance

Ryo gets up and yawns and enjoys the music

Ryo: you know what why not enjoy the fun

He jumps down on stage and covers himself with lightning looking almsot threatening before a smirk appears on his face

And he starts break dancing performing a spectacular light show with his lightning flying everywhere

Ryo keeps on speeding up before firing himself in the air and flipping no free sending lightning flying everywhere 

And he lands and snaps his fingers and the lightning sparks out like fire works

Ryo: Hey milady! Mind if I have a turn

Diva: any of course

Ryo strums the guitar: alright get ready gang Because it's time to rock the house! This is song called I'm invincible!

Luffy: Yeah Ryo! Go for it!

Brook: Rock on!

Ryo: well you heard them boys! Let's do this!

Now, let worry fall away
No fear allowed to stay
My wish is now your dream
And my hope never-ending
When clouds build up inside
My song can clear the sky
You know I'm invincible
Everything is alright

My voice carries birds in flight
With every note, they go higher and higher
See how I move with such grace
Just like a dancer on the stage
Your voice carries life within
Calls me to action again and again
If you're hurt and you need me
I'll always be there, I swear
I'll always protect you

We'll have a chance to go to brand new heights
You and I, unstoppable when we're together
We can have it all
A fire burns within our hearts

Now, let us go hand in hand
To a life that lies ahead
All of our hopes and dreams
Can bring happiness when we're in sync
I've always felt this warmth from you
No one gives affection like you do
You make me invincible
When you're here by my side

Though this path has twists and turns
If I can walk it, there's so much I'll learn
I know it's the long way round
But there's no way I'm backing out now

See all my flowers? I'll tend to each one
Don't care if I feel just a bit overcome
We're obliged to do everything we want
Or fester inside
Don't let this moment die
We've got to try!

Soon we will see a brand new era dawn
The day will come
The world is waiting for someone
To change the way it's done
We keep repeating our mistakes
The cycle's got to break
It's time to work through all the pain
And be the ones to change
Let's reach as high as we can go

Now, has worry gone away
And fears all been assuaged?
My feelings may be strong
But there's power when you have passion
When fog builds up inside
My song can clear your mind
Everything will be alright
You know I'm invincible

Now let us go hand in hand
To a life that lies ahead
Your wish is now my dream
And my hope never-ending
Even your weakness is unique
There's no one else like you
You're what we need
Shine a light into the dark
Be a beacon

The Kitsune's destiny, One piece x male oc Where stories live. Discover now