Fathers revealed! The family of monsters!

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Ryo is in a bed and he's sleeping peacefully like a fox

Every now and again luffy chucks him some meat and he quick smells it wakes up and eats it and then falls back asleep again

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Every now and again luffy chucks him some meat and he quick smells it wakes up and eats it and then falls back asleep again

He hears Robin and chopper walk in

Robin walks over and strokes hair and he purrs a little

Robin giggles

Sanji: uhh did Ryo just purr

Nami: wow so the badass fox boy can actually be cute sometimes who knew

Chopper: wow I hear I thought that he ate a fox devil fruit but after seeing him swim I guess that's not true

Sanji: huh he can also do that electrical thing he said he was only half human and part of something else

Robin: He said he'll tell us about it later there's no use now since he's sleeping

That's when Ryo falls back asleep and softly purrs

That's when he's awoken by a big crash and then sent flying into a wall

Ryo: Ahh! That hurt!

Luffy is sent flying too and lands hard next too him and he's screaming in pain

Sanji: How did that hurt you both so much it was one little punch

?; because there is no defence against the fist of love

?: you've boy been getting in a lot of trouble haven't you luffy and Ryo

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?: you've boy been getting in a lot of trouble haven't you luffy and Ryo


Everyone: WHAT!

Grandpa: it's been a while, I think you owe me an apology boys you've been up too no good

Both brothers are on the ground in pain

They hear the name Garp

Nami: but isn't that the name of the navy hero that fought against gold roger

Sanji: Luffy, Ryo is this navy guy really your grandpa

Luffy: sure is

Ryo: well technically I suppose you could say he forcibly adopted me

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