The game

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Kryos has just struck down Dolflamingo with one huge sword slash

Kryos: We shall reclaim this kingdom at long last!

There's a lot of gasping

Kryos: 10 years! For 10 long years we've suffered

Baby 5: Ahhh!

People: Dolflamingo!

Buffalo: Young master! You bastard!

Kryos quickly puts a sword to buffalo's jaw

Kryos: Today! The people will see you for what you are!

Ryo: Did that do it!

Luffy: Mingo just died! Well that sucks I was going to be the one to kick his ass!

A ton of soldiers find them

Ryo: Luffy! I'll take care of them you and viola go and save traffy!

Luffy: on it!

The brothers separate

Ryo rushes at the soldiers

Ryo: You made this country suffer for 10 years! And now you will pay the price!


Ryo takes out a ton of soldiers in one strike but more just keep on coming

Ryo smirks and gives them the come and get me hand signal

Ryo and the soldiers clash over and over

Ryo: ugh you know what! Argh!

Ryo then senses something with his Haki and ducks out of instinct

The top of the castle is sent flying

Ryo: (uhh what the hell was that?)

Ryo then senses a huge amount of Haki

Ryo: wait that's....Dolflamingo

Ryo shakes his anticipation

Ryo: Alright should've known that guy wouldn't die so easily alright joker, you're mine!

Ryo shoots off but suddenly the castle starts moving around and he's grabbed by a huge rock hand

Ryo: Argh! Ahhh!

He's then thrown right towards the ground, he didn't have time to use Luna dance and he's smashed right into the dirt

Ryo: Ugh

Ryo stands up and looks up too see Dolflamingo standing up there with gladius and baby 5

Ryo: (tch even if I was to use Luna dance the chances I could take them all down is slim plus there's pica I might be able to slice through his earth but eventually I'll run out of steam before I even reach him we need a better plan)

Ryo runs off but stops when he sees a huge amount of something covering the entire island and forming a cage

Ryo: (Wait is that string? That could be a problem)

He then senses something coming from right for him and he dodges

Ryo: Yup that's definitely string alright gotta run

He's then seen running through the woods around the palace

Ryo: (this is Dolflamingo there's no doubt about it he's the only one mad enough to do this)

The ground starts shaking and the royal palace starts


Ryo: Alright that's pica this could also be an issue

Dolflamingo's voice then starts ringing out

Dolflamingo: Citizens and guests of dressrosa, greetings might I have a word, when I started my reign I could've easily ruled over you with an iron first instead I was benevolent, but now that you know the truth there's no doubt in my mind that the vast majority of you would like to see me dead, that's why I've prepared a little game for you, your objective is to assassinate me, you can find me in the royal palace I won't be going anywhere, take my life and the game ends I die you win real simple right and since I'm so generous I'll give you a second way to win as well, I'm about to read off a list of people so get your pencils ready, if you manage too bring me their dead bodies you win, also I will award a sizeable bounty of each and every head I receive

It's kill or be killed every person in the kingdom is now a bounty hunter and the only way for you too survive is too take the life of another person Hahaha

Dolflamingo: You're angry then scream, suffer you'll all eventually become casualties of this wicked game! Hehehehe, think it over will you attempt to kill me, or will you spare yourselves and join my family all I'm asking to hold just 13 fools responsible for rebelling against me if you make the wrong choice you'll never see the end of this game, the stars will be worth 100 million beris each, the following individuals will be your ticket out

Let me introduce the one stars






Now let's move onto the two stars



Hahaha and now let's move onto the head honchos I present to you the three stars





King Riku

Ryo: Tch bastard!

And finally there's one man who aroused my indignation and resentment more then the others you can direct all complaints to this guy as he's the reason you are all forced to play this ruthless game and the person who kills him will get a hearty reward

500 million beris!


5 stars!

Ryo: Ussop! Oh crap!

Dolflamingo: Now let the games begin! Hahahahaha

Ryo is then seen running

Ryo: We are pretty much all on that list, that's a huge problem, they'll be going after all of us

Citizens: Look! There's a 3 star! It's Dragonkiller Ryo!

Ryo turns his head too see them running at him

Ryo: Alright that's problem gotta run then

Ryo jumps onto the trees and jumps quickly disappearing into the forest

Ryo: I don't really wanna hurt these people so the only way is too stay out of the kingdom, so the plan is that I've gotta find Luffy and then when I do, We'll give Dolflamingo the beating of his damn life!

And that's a wrap
Alright weird chapter but we are getting to the good stuff now

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