The weapon from hell

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Cat viper and jack clash

Cresting a huge explosion

Wanda: the battle continued for five days straight it felt like our struggle would never end

Cat viper and Jack keep on clashing seeming to be equally matched

Cat viper mocks jack, then that gets jack pissed of and he rushes at the cst mink but cat viper performs a shoulder throw

Then using his speed advantage he dodges jacks attacks with surprising grace for his size

CST viper then runs circles around him and keeps on striking the pirate with his fast and powerful strikes

Cat viper mocks jack but he just laughs and tells cat viper to kill him

Then morning rises and once again the day minks tag in

Dogstorm sends jack flying into a house

Jack bursts out of the ruffle and sends the dog flying but he gets back up and the two continue to fight

Wanda: we continued our attic of rotating our forces in shifts duke Dogstorm valiantly fought through the day while master cat viper zealously defended the night unfortunately it was difficult to keep up with jacks reinforcements arriving in droves by the sea, it felt as if we where fighting an unstoppable army of zombies, however with perseverance we steadily overcame the enemy, yet despite our efforts there was one thing that we simply could not overcome, Jack himself, that man truly is a monster

Ussop: Is he really that powerful?

Luffy: so even this big dog dude couldn't take down that guy from kaido's crew that's crazy

Wanda: but the same applied to Jack as well, he started to struggle and he wasn't able to to keep up, juggling both of our rulers wore him down, but in the fifth day he unleashed a weapon in desperation, it was a poison gas

They are all shocked

Ryo slams his fist on the floor

Ryo: Dammit! That means one thing, right chopper?

Chopper nods: yeah the gas used here was one of caesars weapons

Luffy gasps

Robin: then I see the connection now, kaido's bio weapons came straight from Dolflamingo

Luffy angry: Caesar!

Ryo: That bastard!

Wanda: stood no chance instantaneously the gas spread throguh the land how could we ever escape such a thing

They all look angry

Ryo walks over to dog storm

Ryo: It wasn't your fault my grace, you must have been frustrated huh?

Luffy: Yeah I bet he was

Wanda nods: it was bad, we where powerless it swallowed up the entire city, we where all completely paralysed, only those Eva guard to the fortress where able to survive the assault as for what happened next o don't even wanna say it

The beast pirates slaughter the minks

Wanda: they kept on insisting that we where hiding the truth from them, they brought our land to ruin one mink at a time, I can't forget the screams of innocents lives crying out with their last breaths

Wanda cries into Nami

Nami: it's ok

Chopper: you did your best

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