The Will of D

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Most of this chapter will just be a description of the rest of the war

Luffy and Ryo have completely shut down and are about to get murdered Magma monster

But the phoenix blocks it

Marco: I've seen enough death for today back off!
Listen we cannot give into despair!
We may have lost Ace today!
But he'll live on through Luffy and Ryo!

The pirates wipe their tears

Marco: Ace is our brother and so is Ryo! And as his family we need to step up! Fight like your prides on the line IN HIS HONOUR!

Jinbei carries the brothers

Akainu sends Marco flying

Akainu goes to end the two brothers

But standing behind him is the strongest man in the world

Who absolutely crushes him

The magma dog and the worlds strongest pirate fight but Whitebeard almost completely demolished him until

Whitebeard takes a magma fist too the gut

All of his crew cry out of their pops

But with all the grit he had left he grabs the mutt by the collar and tosses him into the air before sending him flying with a devil fruit powered strike that made the whole island crumble

Akainu falls through a crack in the ground roaring out the name Whitebeard

The plaza has split in half

He has separated himself from his sons forcing them to leave without him

He then faces down the rest of the navy all by himself

Marco crying yells for them too retreat!

Marco flies over to Jinbei

Marco: I'll take Ryo I don't have enough strength for both of them

Jinbei: Thank you please take him

Marco nods and carries Ryo too a safe place where he slowly opens his eyes

Marco: Ryo, you are alive

Ryo: ace he's really gone isn't he

Marco: yes, I'm so sorry Ryo

Ryo: but what am I supposed to do now

Marco: tell me who do you have left, who do you have left to fight for Tell me I haven't got all day!

Ryo: I've got my crew, and all of you, and luffy

Marco manages a smile: that's the right answer, now get some rest ok little bro

Ryo nods and Marco flies off

Ryo just watches the rest of the war from his hiding spot

That's when he sees something scary


Great battle ship San Juan wolf

Corrupt king Avalo Pizzaro

Heavy drinker Vasco shot

Crescent moon hunter Catarina Devon

Shiryu of the rain

Then a man with long red hair walks out too stand beside them

Ryo: (what's what he meant)

The Bloody wolf! Portgas D Hirito!

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