The Nobles plot

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They are in their hideout and there's a storm

Ace: Hold on tight the storms starting to pick up

Sabo: it had better be I'm bored this is nothing

Ryo: You got that right! Come on you Stupid storm give it your best shot!

Luffy is outside grabbing onto the flag

Luffy: Hey guys it keeps getting windier and windier 

Ace: Luffy you better not let go of that flag

Sabo: Real pirates can't have a wimpy storm blow their flag away

Ryo: yeah that's the sign of our challenge to the world!

Luffy: Come on stupid storm!

Ace: You're gonna have to do better than that

Ryo: Yeah give us all you've got!

Sabo: Bring it on!

The storm gets even wilder

Luffy: Ahh!

All: Crap luffy!

Ace: are you ok?

Luffy is swinging in the storm

Luffy: do I look ok to you?

Ryo: actually it looks kind of fun

All the brothers laugh

Luffy: quit laughing hurry and pull me up

They do eventually

Luffy: we didn't get blown away or nothing that was cool

Sabo: yeah to bad we gotta build a new hideout though

Ryo: ehh relax we'll be better at it this time hey we could even make it bigger and better than it was before

Ace: Ryo is right! But first we gotta get some parts

Luffy: this time I want a big ol telescope

Ace: you'll never find something that nice here stupid

Sabo: I think I'd rather have a cannon

Ryo: I don't know there's a lot of idiots in this world maybe we'll get lucky

All the brothers laugh

They search around and start collecting parts

Ryo eventually finds another pipe

Ryo: hmm this was actually feels better than the old one nice

Ryo then spots something sabo is surrounded by pirates

Ryo: Hey guys Sabo needs our help

Ace and luffy get in a barrel

Ryo kicks it towards one of the pirates and takes him out

Ryo then joins them

Sabo: wow nice shot

Ryo: Thanks

Ace: you ready to take them on Sabo

Sabo: yeah

Ace: no-one can beat all four of us at once I don't care if they are pirates

Luffy: that's right we beat that big old tiger you guys are nothing

Ryo: Heh get ready for some pain!

Pirates: oh yeah just try me

Ace: I know how we can wrap this one up fast let's go straight for the captain

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