The survival games

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Ryo is sleeping with his head on a sky wolf


Ryo: huh what are you shouting about

He then sees what the rest of the crew is looking at

He then sees what the rest of the crew is looking at

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Ryo: wow

The crew: The going merry she's been repaired

Ussop: I knew it see I told you guys I wasn't insane

Nami: the mast is fixed hey now that's service

Robin laughs: now you can say that again can you imagine what a chore it was just to stand something so heavy upright

Sanji: wow I hate to say it but they did a lousy job

Luffy: well whoever did it sure is nice Haha

Ussop: there was somebody here I knew I saw Jim

Zoro: but how'd risk crossing an ocean full of sky sharks just to come all the way up here and fix our ship

Ryo: that's a good question why would someon e do this because last time I check the only people here other than us are our enemies

Luffy: Hey did you notice they took all the flying gear off the ship that's weird

Ryo: now that you mention it yeah that is weird

Ussop: yeah I've been thinking about it and it's really got me wondering, huh it just doesn't make any sense to me how did this phantom repair man know what the merry is supposed to look like how did he know he didn't always have wings. Or a comb or a tail

Chopper: who did you see Ussop who was it

Chopper is swinging from a rope and Ryo catches him before h exam grab onto zoro's face

Zoro: is still say he was patry I go too hard and was having a nightmare

Chopper crawled onto Ryo's shoulders

Nami: why are you all goofing off there's lots of work to do or did you forget

Ryo: ugh

Chopper: but Nami aren't you at least a little but curious p

Nami: about what

Ryo puts chopper down

Chopper: about who's iced the going merry for is what else

Nami: who cares if they wrecked it that'd be another thing but it's fixed what do you want to track them down and thanks them

Ryo: hmm fair enough

Chopper and Ussop on a crow boat

Going to pull the merry down for the alter 

Ussop fires a grappling hook from his belt and perfectly grabs onto the ram head

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