Oars vs The strawhats

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The strawhats minus Nami and luffy are facing down the monster known as oars

Zoro: I'm tired of being thrown around so much what do you say we turn the tables and throw him around for a change

Ussop: Huh!, Hey Come on zoro

Sanji: I cam get behind that, we've let him have his fun for long enough

Ryo stretching: Ain't that the truth I think this guy deserves a taste of his own medicine

Ussop: Wait hold on, How are we supposed to throw him if you haven't noticed he's a giant!

Zoro: we noticed and don't forget he's got luffy's speed and fighting skills as well

Robin: you know I think he would make a terrible pirate king

Ryo: uh huh agreed

Franky: so how do we wanna approach this then I've got a ton of plans ones of them gotta work

Chopper: he has to have some kind of weakness

Sanji: you frying a fish this big you need to scale and debone it before putting it in the pan

Then oars jumps

Ryo: Well get ready guys

Oars: Now gum gum Giant buttstomp!

He does exactly what he just says but luckily all of them manage to dodge it

Oars: Gum Gum HAMMER

Zoro: Franky! Watch out!

Franky almost gets hit but dodges at the last second

Franky: K punk you wanna fight well feel the power of all of us combined, Listen up guys I know the plan we are taking him down with tactic fifteen!

Then a lot of really weird stuff happens

Sanji and zoro grab onto franky's legs

Chopper grabs onto his head

Ussop gets grabbed by franky and makes a claw type sign wiht his arms

Ussop: Giant robot Warrior!

Franky: Big emperor!

Ryo: what the f

Chopper: Hey! Wait a minute franky!

Franky: what's the matter

Chopper: we aren't compelete the left arm still isn't docked yet not to mention that our sword is missing!

Framky: Whaaa! What the hell are you doing too us Robin and Ryo, Robin you dock onto my left arm and then uses your hands to grab Ryo and you make a sword

Chopper: Robin!, Ryo! We need you!

Ussop: Come on its fine

Robin: No!

Ryo: We are not embarrassing ourselves like that, right?

Robin: absolutely not Ryo

They seem devastated

Robin: as human beings you should be ashamed

Ryo nods along

Oars: What's the matter! They won't do it!

Sanji: What! Why are you acting so disappointed

Oars: what is this! I wanna see the robot! Do it you jerks!

Oars sends franky, Ussop and Choper flying

Zoro: man I've never been so relieved too get punched before, that reallt was embarrassing

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