The sun shines

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Ryo was asleep and he sensed luffy come back and beat the crap out of oars with some new strength

But then oars got back up and Luffy got tired

Ryo: Ugh! Damn I feel like a train ran over me

Zoro: I'm not surprised you took one hell of a beating

Ryo: Yeah well so did you

Ryo gets back up

Much too the amazement of the pirates there 

The two pirates stare down oars

They here the sound of a punch too the ground

Luffy: I'd love to give him just one more punch, I can't move dammit my bodies too worn out too get up right now, Hey! Ryo!

Ryo: I'm right here!

Luffy: I'm too worn out could you carry me up there

Ryo:p cracks his neck: as you wish captain

Robin: I'll provide some footholes for you

Brook: I too am still willing and able to help

Luffy: Great to here I've got already plan

Nami: just as I thought! Everybody's back up and ready for the next round

Nami is far on a tower

The pirates around them watch in amazement that these guys didn't even think about running away

Light shines on all of them

Zoro: Hey! It's about too get real ugly here so get out while you can

The pirates don't need to be told twice

Robin: Now!

Robin creates the hands leading up too the top of the tower

Ryo: Alright luffy get on, this is gonna be fun

Luffy: Hahaha

Ryo jumps from hand to hand flying up the tower at incredibly high speeds

While thanks to Nami, Ussop and franky freeze up oars legs

Sanji and chopper chain up oars

Ryo: Alright luffy you ready for this

Luffy: Of course throw me!

Ryo: Alright Kick his ass!

Ryo then rockets right after luffy

Luffy: Time for third gear!

Ryo: Thunder cloak! Activate!

Oars strikes him in the Stomach with three thousand worlds

Sanji straightens up oar's back with the chain

Ryo and luffy rocket down together Ryo covers luffy in lighting and uses Luna dance too speed up their momentum

Ryo: (heh kinda reminds me of one of our combo attacks)

Luffy: Get ready for special bazooka!

Oars: So what! I'll just knock you back with my own special bazooka

Oars can't stretch anymore

Luffy: Now! Gum Gum!

Ryo: Thunderous!


Luffy: Giant!

Ryo: Lightning!


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