Showdown in the ancient ruins

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Ryo,zoro,Robin,Ganfall and wiper are facing down god eneru

All 5: You're the only one dying today!

Eneru: Hahahha you dare to threaten me, listen to yourselves hahahaha hahahaha

Ryo: (this guy is weird)

Eneru: just admit I'm quite impresssd but you have no idea what you're up against even the five of you together don't stand a chance against me

Eneru swings his staff around

Eneru: you can't comprehend the extent of my powers and what I'm truly capable of

He hand turns to lighting

Eneru: look at you an elderly buffoon wanting peace, a warrior who single Mindedly seeks his homeland and three thieves from th blue sea who are only concerned with treasure all of you for on reason or another seek to save this retched place called skypiea but you cannot because this nations I fundamentally flawed

Ganfall: I refuse to listen to such nonsense! now tell me where my divine warriors are and what exactly is your goal here today

Eneru: why an ascension my old friend

Ganfall: what do you mean

Eneru: I mean when I ascend I will return to my rightful place

Ganfall: what's that are you saying that you're leaving skypiea

Eneru: that's right I will soon leave this dreadful wasteland on the island where I grew up there was a legend regarded as gods home people cal this place endless verth and there the ground extends as far as the eye can see in all directions it's my dream to find this place this paradise endless verth the home fit for a god my time spent here battling over the inconsequential lands of the upper yard has been nothing but a petty triviality 'he swings his stuff to point at the warriors' listen too me I tell you this place that you cherish is an abomination consider this 'he points his staff upwards' it was born in the sky though it's not a cloud it lives in the sky though it's not a bird the nation that exists in the sky is an ugly unnatural one when we die we all return to the earth to the soil but here there is none

Eneru releases more power

Ganfall: what exactly are you getting at

Eneru: you really shouldn't be surprised by my intentions as god I am bound to adhere to the divine Provence on nature that's why this unnatural nation will be ripped apart and pulled from the sky

Ryo: (yeah crazy is an understatement for this guy)

Ryo grips his sword tighter

Ganfall: you're planning in whipping out skypiea completely

Eneru: it's only natural

Ganfall: don't be so conceited the term god is just a title used to refer to the leader of this nation

Eneru: true but thay will be soon chnage

Ganfall chagres eneru: a true god does not live amongst the humans as you do and treat them as his play things

Eneru: former god Ganfall hahaha you're worried about the divine warriors are you not, six years your divine warriors lost a battle against my forces and I took 650 of your subordinates under my charge they served me well until this morning when I could find no more use for them I told you did I not the seven of us here no are the only ones left alive in this forsaken place such a shame

Ganfall: you monster...

Ganfall: it's not that I wanted to harm them but when I told them by goal they dared to challenge me hahahaha and they payed the price for that insubordination hahahahaha

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