The Dark king

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Ryo takes a seat and kicks back

Rayleigh to camie: I'm going to remove your collar now are you ready young lady

Papagu: Wait hold on are you cra-

Ryo: Papagu and this goes for everyone else too put your trust in him after all he's the one that got my collar off

Chopper: wait really!

Ryo nods: He can do it

Rayleigh: it'll be alright just don't flinch

Zoro: I have no idea what kind of power that guy used earlier but onemthings for sure he's no ordinary man

Sanji: So that makes it ok for him to risk camie's life

Zoro: Ryo trusts him why shouldn't we

Papagu: Ok I'll try and trust him

Rayleigh sets the collar off

Ryo: just wait


The smoke disappears and Camie is fine

Ryo: Told ya

Nami: it's off

Papagu runs and hugs camie

Everyone apart from Ryo is confused

Ussop: What the.what was that, that old geezers got some kind of freak power, just who is he anyway and where did he come from

He took off the collar barehanded

Franky passed the other slaves the keys and they got out of there

Rayleigh walks towards them

Ussop: How do you know him luffy

Luffy: I don't he's Ryo's dad remember

Ussop: What! That's him!

Hatchi: I think he used something called Haki

Ryo: yup that's exactly what he did, he's the one that taught me how do to it but he's about 100 times better than me

Rayleigh: Oh yeah sorry about that everyone I didn't realise their where it he pirates here you must all be quite strong to withstand something like that with no trouble 

Eustass: well we'll I never expected too meet such a big shot here, the dark king silvers Rayleigh, you're a legend old man but what are you doing in a place like this

Rayleigh: on these islands I'm just ray the coating craftsmen don't go around calling me by that other name I'm retired now I just want a quiet and peaceful life

Ryo: Hey dad

Rayleigh: Hey, well you gonna give your old man a hug or what?

Ryo smirks and runs into his arms

Rayleigh: it's good too see ya

Ryo: yeah you too

Rayleigh: you'll live Hatchi, what did I tell you about walking aorind this archipelago gotta be more careful

Hatchi: I know, I'm sorry

Rayleigh: Thank you for everything I appreciate you saving my friend

Luffy: what was that about you wanting to meet me

Rayleigh: well Ryo told me a lot about you but let's save that for later first we need to get out of here

Turns out they are surrounded by marines

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