To the Sky!

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Ryo and luffy are running back

Ryo: Luffy get on!

Luffy: Rught!

This gives ryo the chance to use his full speed

They are darting through the forest at high speeds

Luffy: Wait!

Ryo skids to a half

Luffy: Look it's a Hercules beetle

Ryo: Wait what! Cool!

Luffy grabs it using his stretchy arms

Ryo: alright secure keep that bug held tight

Luffy: got it!

Ryo darts off again with luffy in tow

And they make it there

Sanji: Come guys hurry up!

Ryo skids to a halt when they see the new merry and luffy gets off

Ryo skids to a halt when they see the new merry and luffy gets off

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Luffy: wow that's awesome!

Ussop: Introducing the going merry flying edition

Luffy: It can fly!

Ussop: I know! They built it just for us

The monkey crew cheer

And luffy joins in

Nami: something about it makes me feel kind of uneasy

Zoro: well for ounce I agree with you chickens don't even know how to fly they should've made it a pigeon

Nami: What's that got to do with anything You dope!

Ryo sweatdrops: (never seen a crew like this one before well maybe one)

Ussop: it's time to set sail come on if you're with me let me hear it!


Ryo and luffy put the gold in front of cricket

They stay in silence for a while

Cricket: what are you waiting for get on board unless you plan on missing your chance in the sky like a fool

Ryo smirks and luffy grins

Luffy: thanks for the ship, thank them they built it

Luffy: Thanks for the ship you guys, you can have my Hercules

Shojo: wait really you mean it! That's so kind of you!

Masira: alright enough of this foolishness we don't have much time

Shojo: follow us we'll lead the way

Ryo: hey chestnut head

Ryo crackles and sends a small bit of electricity towards cricket and it lights his cigarette

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