The report

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Ryo is looking up and lightning is falling right for him


Lightning crashes on both him and Gabriel

Both: AHHH!

Ryo: (no! I'm..not..gonna..die) NOT LIKE THIS

Ryo is flooded with power and then he focuses it all into one point and

Ryo is flooded with power and then he focuses it all into one point and

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Lightning blasts from Ryo and obliterates a tree

Ryo: phew that was way too close I didn't even know I could do that

Ryo now has burns over his arms and there's one on his face

But as for Gabriel

He's turned into a barbecued angel

Ryo walks over to him

Ryo: I didn't like you but try and rest in piece ok

Ryo looks up

Ryo: the sun is setting I better get to the merry

Ryo starts walking but stumbles

Ryo: after a nap

Ryo finds a tree and rests against it and closes his eyes

A little while later he wakes up and it's evening

Ryo stretches: better get back to the merry

With a little more energy he moves faster and eventually reaches

And sees that it's wrecked the mast is gone and it's burnt


The crew appears

Luffy: RYO!

Zoro: Oh so you're ok where have you been

Ryo: Had a long scuffle with an angry priest but I'm alright

Luffy then throws an arm at him and grabs onto Ryo

And luffy pulls him to the ship and Ryo flips and skids along the ship

Ryo: yeah his name was Gabriel he ate a devil fruit and sues a weird staff to make lightning clouds

The crew: (he just went with that like it was completely normal)

Ryo: whenever he tapped his clouds with his staff they'd strike lightning at me

Nami: a staff to make lightning huh

Ryo: yeah it was pretty cool actually Anyway what happened here it looked like someone had a massive brawl

Chopper emerges sad: yeah it was me I fought a guy with a weird bird that breathed fire and he could use his spear to burn stuff as well

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