Strong for too long

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Ryo's eyes snap open he wakes up too find himself connected to a lot of tubes

Ryo starts to struggle and he starts exerting electricity

Heart pirate: Hey Hey calm down

Ryo: Argh! Where's my brother! Where is ace!

All the memories flash through his mind and he starts crying

Heart pirate: just let us look you over

Ryo just lets it happen

Soon all the tubes and stuff are removed and he gets up and walks out

Hancock: Oh Ryo! You're awake

Suddnely a lot of people aim at him

Hancock: Stop! This boy is luffy's big brother please do not shoot him

They all back down

Ryo: Hey Hancock this is your island right Amazon lily

Hancock: yes it is and you are free too stay here as long as you like

Ryo: thank you I really appreciate it

Ryo uses Luna dance too jump through the air and finds himself on a cliff overlooking the ocean

Hancock wants to help him but Jinbei stops him

Jinbei: sorry pirate empress but you know as well as I do that he need sometime alone

Hancock: Yes as much as I hate to admit it, the man is right leave Ryo too rest that's what he needs right now

All the Amazon pirates agree

Ryo is soon the cliff just reflecting on everything

Ryo: I feel like I should be running around crying and destroying everything but I'm not and I don't know why

That's when a blond Amazon walks up too him with some food

?: People grieve in different ways you know that

She sits next too him

Ryo: who are you?

?: my name is Marguerite, usually I wouldn't talk to men but I was ordered to make an exception for you and your brother

Ryo: thanks I guess

Marguerite: here have some

Ryo takes some meat and starts eating and has soon devoured the entire basket of food

Turns out the reason Ryo wasn't crying is because the energy wasn't there

Then the flood gates opened and a huge amount of electricity emerges from his body

Ryo: ACE!

Marguerite flinches away in fear of Ryo's overwhelming power but hardens her resolve quickly

Marguerite: Stop it! Now! This could hurt someone!

Ryo's eyes snap back and he calms down and he's then seen on the ground crying

Ryo: the strongest in the world, the one that stands at the top, yeah right what a joke, I'M STILL SO WEAK!

Ryo runs ofd into the forest and slices destroys several trees feelingmintese pain in his arms but he doesn't care

Ryo: I'm a big brother I was supposed to protect Luffy but I wasn't strong enough what good am I! Argh!

That's when he hears another big crash

Luffy: ACE!

Ryo: luffy....


Ace: Ryo you are worthy to take over my place as luffy's big brother, take care of him ok protect him


Ryo still has tears falling from his eyes but he hardens his resolve

Ryo: I will ace and I never break a promise

Ryo rushes too where he sees Luffy crashing around

A fist comes flying at him but he catches it and grabs luffy by the neck

Ryo: Luffy! Calm down! Please before you get yourself killed!

Luffy: uhh Ryo, you're alive

Ryo: Hell yeah I'm alive!, You may be my captain but I'm your older brother and right now you are gonna listen too me! And I'm telling you to calm the hell down!

Ryo pulls him closer

Ryo: hey Luffy, it's ok you know

Luffy: for what

Ryo: you can cry in front of me I've known you since you where that little weak crybaby,

Luffy: s-shut up

Ryo: hehe you always said that too, Hey luffy grandpa taught me a phrase a long time ago

Luffy: y-yeah

Ryo pulls him closer and speaks right into luffy's ear

Ryo: Some people cry because they are weak, that does not apply too you, because some people cry because they have been strong for too long so it's ok for you too cry let it all out little brother

Luffy finally does and cries right into Ryo's shoulder despite luffy being taller than him now he still manages to hold luffy to keep him comfortable for a long time they both cry holding each other

Both having flashbacks of the war

Of their brothers death

They both still call themselves weak but neither of them admit it too each other

That's until Luffy passes out and falls onto Ryo's lap

Jinbei: I was going to say something like that

Ryo: I know and he'll inevitably need you too give him a good talking too because once he wakes up he'll go right back to his rampage

Jinbei: I see don't you need time to cry

Ryo: No, I did it before Luffy woke up plus right now he needs his rest

Jinbei: you're a good big brother

Ryo: thank you Jinbei that means a lot

Ryo then starts to quietly sing a song as he strokes luffy's hair

I recall that day we played together by the sea
Just you and me
Still that scent of ocean seems to fade each passing day
It slips away

So I sing an old familiar song
I hope you know the one
I will sing to call you back to me

I need you to hear it
Need you to believe in
Something out there beyond the open sea
Out in the starlight
I need you to hear it
Need you to believe it
There's a wind stirring my wings
That is always beckoning
Calling me above into the open sky

I recall a smile unbreakable and self-assured
Now it hides behind the breaking waves upon the shore
Yet I see more

I'll sing every word and every note
I'll never forget it because
I know it came from you

Tried my best to hear it
Trying to believe in
You and me having one final goodbye
I'll see you waving
Trying to believe it
I want to believe it
That your song is now my song
Through your voice I'll carry on
And one day we'll fly you and I, in the open sky

I need you to hear it
Need you to believe in
Something out there beyond the open sea
Out in the starlight
Trying to believe it
I think I believe it
That one day we'll meet again
And continue this dreamland
In the gleaming dawn we'll wake up once again

Trying to believe it
Trying to believe in
Something out there beyond the open sea
Out in the starlight
Trying to believe it
Trying to believe it
That one day we'll meet again
And continue this dreamland
In the gleaming dawn we'll wake up once again

At that Ryo leans up against a tree and falls asleep

And that's a wrap

Ooh that chapter was rough to write

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