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Garp: oh wait I did it again didn't I, damn just forget it

All: WHAT!

Garp: Anyway luffy and ryo  since you are my grandsons I won't capture you and turn you over to the government if I tell them that I'm sure they'll understand can't put work before family right

Bogard: That's not an excuse sir let's just say they got away

Garp: I mostly came here as a favour to coby and helmeppo you boys chat it up all you like I'm heading out too my ship for now

Luffy: alright so long

Ryo: yeah see ya later


He punch them both sending them flying

Garp: At Keats pretend like you care I'm your grandpa and you haven't seen me in ages

Luffy: But we're happy for your leaving!

Ryo: yeah! All you've done is yell and hit us!

Garp: I still want my grandsons to love me you idiots, I'm not as heartless as you two

Ryo: could've fooled me!

Ryo is sending flying again

Ryo is with luffy, Coby and helmeppo

Luffy: so you guys went over that mountain too get to the grandline too

Ryo: Oh wow yeah that was interesting doing that all by myself was an interesting experience let me tell ya that

Coby: that mountain? Oh you mean reverse mountain. No we went a different way

Luffy: I thought everyone was supposed to go over that mountain, like it was the only way could've sworn I read that somewhere before

Koby: yeah but that's actually a lie

Helmeppo: Oi Koby don't tell them that it's a secret

Ryo: plus I know anyway

Helmeppo: What! How do you know!

Ryo: back when I was a hired sword for the revolutionary army I defeated many marines who did just what you did you used ships laced with sea stone in the bottom right

Koby: Yeah! Exactly and with those ships they can sail through the clam belt

Luffy: What! That's not fair!

Koby: of course the method isn't 100% guaranteed

Ryo: yeah hahaha sea kings are still sea kings

Luffy: wait so I understand what seastone is but why is it important too have ships with it 

Coby explains it basically they make the ships give off the same energy as the sea

Koby: you know if I had never met you I'd still be living in a narrow little world I wouldn't know anything about the grandline it seems like forever go when you burst out the barrel on the ship who knows how long I would've been swabbing decks for alvida if you didn't show up

Ryo: wait luffy burst out of barrel!

Koby: yeah he was stuck in a whirlpool, got into a barrel and then when he was on the ship he woke up knocked three guys out and asked for food

Ryo: uh huh that's luffy

Luffy: Hahaha I forgot you where on her ship weren't you and the reason you where on her ship is even funnier

Helmeppo: I haven't heard this one you gonna tell me the story too

Ryo: yeah come on Lu spill the beans

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