Weapon of mass destruction

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Luffy, Ryo, Franky and Robin all dive right in and a make a huge ruckus

Luffy: Alright come on out master dude! Or else break into your lab before we kick your ass and kidnap you

Robin: luffy that was supposed to be secret

Ryo: And? Since when can luffy keep secrets

Robin, true

This gets all of the centaurs really mad and they attack them so they beat them down and now they are being attacked by marines

But Robin just clutches them

And now they are fighting marines

Luffy: we are here how long do you think we'll have to wait for the master

Ryo: hmm people like him never just walk out and greet you so we'll have to go to him

Robin: yes I concur

Luffy: Ok then let's do that then, the door over there is probably the entrance right

Suddnely they are attacked by Smoker using a sword

Smoker: I'll get you! STRAWHAT!

Ryo: oh it's Smokey

Luffy: yeah

Smoker: Well Strawhat luffy! Tell me this what is your doing here?

Luffy: why so mad? You look better than I thought you would last time I saw you, you where getting beat up pretty bad

Smoker: stop messing with me

Smoker look's weird

Luffy: What's wrong you constipated or something

Smoker shoots out smoke sending his sword flying

Ryo just catches the sword with his bare hands and then throws smoker onto the ground

Ryo: What's wrong Smokey

Luffy: yeah you didn't used to be this weak

Smoker: Get off of me! Let go!

Luffy; not just weak you sound different too, like you're a girl or something

Then Tashigi runs up, smoking with her chest open

Tashigi?: Hey Tashigi don't go getting you're ass beat by an idiot like him when you're in my body ok

Luffy: Hey that weapon

Ryo: yeah it's smokers

Tashigi?: strawhat luff, Dragonkiller Ryo, back at sea chasing trouble again too bad I'm here now to out an end to your fun!

She attacks luffy very fast and luffy is weak too it because the weapon is tipped with sea prism stone

Ryo: Wow! When did you get so strong

Tashigi?: Ha! The names smoker dragonkiller

Luffy is suprised

Ryo: ahh so that's it

Robin: right they are both victims of law's little trick

Luffy realises this and is now on the floor laughing

But then gets ready to fight by entering second gear

Ryo however has already ran away and helped franky obliterate the door

Ryo: well the door is open let's go

They rush in

But then Robin gets their attention

Robin: Luffy, Ryo, franky wait a minute

They see a huge blob of dangerous red liquid covering the marine's ship

Luffy: Wow that's crazy

Franky: is it alive?

Ryo: it's definitely moving in its own so I really hope so

Robin: perhaps it's some kind of monster

A marine explains that ir came falling out of the sky

The blobs stsrt merging and it gets bigger

They try acting it with fire and it starts shrinking and shrinking

But then it goes boom

Everyone is absolutely shocked

Smoker: No Damn you!

Ryo: just like that they are all

Robin: yea

The blobs start falling out of the sky

Ryo: Well crap

Ryo jumps towards one

Luffy: Ryo!

Ryo: sparks blows those things up right 'he covers his fist in lightning' Well eat this!

He sends electricity throguh a few of the blobs but they explode right in his face sending Ryo flying right back down to the ground

Ryo: argh that was a bad idea

Then they hear a laugh echo through the area



Gas man: Good boy I'm sorry I had to keep you locked up so three years

The animal guys start calling him master saying it's not safe here

Smoker: just like I thought it is ceasar clown

Ryo: I thought I heard of him yeah the world government scientist turned criminal

Luffy: Are you the master! That's it! You're going down

Ceasar: shirororo, master of punk hazard, Strawhat pirates and marines of the navy G5 welcome to my island I am proud to present the most brilliant scientist ever I AM CEASAR CLOWN, a bit of patients it won't be long, he can't stand water you see so in order to get himself scores the lake he has to fling himself over piece by piece, inconvenient perhaps but effective nonetheless, from a land of blazing fire to a land of sparkling ice in a few minutes he'll be full reassembled on this side of the lake and then bots and girls the show will begin a recreation of the explosion for four years ago

Ryo: the one that wiped out all life on this island

Ceasar: the very same and you have front row seats! Now prepare for destruction on a scale that you've never witnessed before, soon it shall  run wild a weapon that destroys everything in its path who could possibly create such a thing but the worlds pre-eminent scientist that's me the one and only Ceasar clown at your service


Ryo appears behind Ceasar and sends him flying with a huge kick

Ryo: I don't care how big your brain is your butt can get kicked just like everyone else

Ryo kicks Ceasar straight up

Ceasar: Ahh!

Luffy then grabs into Ceasar and holds him tight

Luffy: I've got you now master!

Ryo: and we are going to take you with us let's just say chaos is about to reign

And that's a wrap

Alright it's getting really good now

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