The Promise

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Ryo jumps right out the window and uses Luna dance and by jumping from place too place he finally sees the sunny

And then sees Robin, Ussop, chopper and franky

Ryo: Hey! Guys!

Franky: Oh Ryo!

Robin' Huh Ryo you are ok?

Ryo: Yup a few zombies tried too take ke to Moria but I kicked thier asses and they told me the crew-mates who has their shadows stolen would be taken back too the ship so I came this way

Franky: yeah we did the same after talking with brook

Robin: He said Moria's ability is the shadow shadow fruit he can steal peoples shadows and by putting them in zombies he can make powerful servants

Ryo: ugh devil fruits are scary sometimes 'he turns to chopper and Ussop" o see you two are doing ok

Chopper: yeah but..

Ussop: Nami was taken away when an invisible man grabbed her

Ryo: dammit well first things first we need to get too the sunny

The crew nod and get too the ship

And it's wrecked

Ussop: Ahh I don't know what happened while we where gone but they totally wrecked the place

Ryo: from the scent this was definitely the zombies that did this

Robin: agreed thier footprints are everywhere

Chopper: so you think they're still here

Ryo: I don't smell them but who knows

Ussop: I wonder what they where trying to do

Franky: they tore through all our stuff jokes on them we don't have ayhtung worth taking

Chopper: Ryo is right I don't smell an zombies

Ussop: so you think the others are really here

Ryo: well we may as well have a look around

Ryo walks around searching

Ryo: Hmm maybe they placed them inside a cabin

Robin: that's right they need to protect them if they die their zombies die too

Ussop: I see Hey franky you and cjppper check out the first floor, Ryo, Robin and I will look upstairs there may still be some zombies around so erbyone be careful ok

They all give an ok and look around

Ryo nods and looks in the guy room

Ryo: Hmm nothing here

He jumps out and sees that his hammock is all good

Ryo: phew if they messed it up I'd kill them again!

Ussop: Hey look they are right up here in the dining room all three of them

All of them get there and see a really weird sight

All of them get there and see a really weird sight

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