The alliance

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Robin: By the way why do the minks happen to be so knowledgeable about the poneglyphs

Cat viper: we have our old lord to thank for that one, you see Kozuki oden, had a great interest in the stones, it's only natural considering his history, the story is, hey mutt is it alright for me to tell them all this stuff

Dogstorm thinks

Momo: Yes you may proceed, they are allies and they are trust worthy, we need not keep secrets

Luffy then runs at him

Luffy: Oh look at me fancy pants, acting like their boss all of a sudden!

Momo: first of all I am their boss and second of all I'm not wearing any pants

Luffy: I'm sick of you acting like a big shot you little shrimp!

Momo: The insolence

Robin: so this oden what kind of connection did he have to the poneglyhs

Cat viper: The deal is the Kozuki clan is a family of talented stone masons and has been for generations, in fact too this very day they are probably still the best in the world

Ussop: stone masons

Cat viper: since long back, 800 years ago or so at least, They used their talents to construct stone documents that could not be destroyed, in other words they made the poneglyphs

All of them gasp

Robin: the Kozuki clan, all the stones where made by them and I never knew

Luffy to momo: you made those rocks that Robin likes, I doubt it

Momo: of course not you fool, it was my ancestors from many years ago

It's then revealed that the only thing passed down was how to decipher the text

Kanjuro: but even that, it is a most tragic tale

Kinemon: before the method could be taught to lord momonosuke, his father Kozuki oden met and exceedingly cruel fate

Ryo grits his teeth: Yeah, that was messed up for sure

Kinemon: You know too Ryo

Ryo nods: When I was on wano, I met someone who watched it happen and they told me

Kinemon: I see and who was this

Ryo: I'm afraid I cannot reveal their name too you, it would cause complications

Kinemon: Very well

Brook: By cruel fate, you mean to say that momonosuke's father is dead

Kinemon: indeed, lord oden is gone and wano, 'all of them seem torn up and on the verge of tears' wano it's.....

Luffy: Hey guys, if this is too hard you don't have to talk about it!

Kinemon: Lord oden, was executed by order of the shogun of wano, who is an alliance with the pirate kaido, yet he faced his demise willingly, with courage in order to save all of his retainers

Luffy: He fought with kaido

Law: this runs deep

Ryo: you don't know the half of it

Kinemon: even today, the foul emperor kaido and his beast pirate crew are still in wano!

Ussop: so you can't go back home

Zoro: Look I'm not trying to twist the knife here, But why was this lord of yours executed in the first place, is that why you have to hide, why you've got people hunting you down

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