A challenge to an emperor

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Ryo is taking a nap

He's calmly snoring sounding like a purr

Luffy: Hey Ryo!

Ryo gets up

Ryo: What!

Luffy: we are going on a treasure hunt wanna come with!

Ryo: sure why not

Ryo jumps down and kills his momentum with Luna dance

Sanji: you still beat me at that don't ya

Ryo: well of course I do

Then they explore

Luffy: Hey Ryo, Zoro, Sanji, look easiest treasure hunt ever

Ryo: why's that sludge guy there and why does he have all the treasure

Sanji: luffy punched him and now he's out cold, I almost feel,bad for him

Ryo: alostmbeing the keyword

Zoro: and he left all this loot sitting out in the open

Sanji: neptunes gonna let us keep all this he really is as goofy as he looks

Luffy: Awesome! How much meat do you think this'll buy

Zoro: I can't believe his body could hold all this I know he's made of sludge but still

Ryo: well no use talking about it now the treasure is ours

They get it into four big bags tie them up

All four: one, two, Three!

They struggle a little but start walking back

They see something going on

Luffy: what's going on, hey this is the candy factory Papagu told me about

Zoro: really? Maybe we can find a flying fish around here

Ryo: yeah maybe

Luffy: so this is the place that they make the candy I like so much Hey! Are you gonna give us the grand tour!

They all shout to him with joy

Mermaid: Hi! Like I'd the banquet over!

Luffy: uh huh I totally pigged out too fishman islands got all kinds of deltoid food but that candy was unbelievable

This shocks all of them

They all tell him to ssh

That's when they see a lion thing and one of the old fishmen

Luffy: oh hey it's mr cat fish how are you!

Ryo: (I think that's a lion mink)

Lion: Listen here kid! Tell me what candy you are talking about!

Luffy: hey I don't know you, you're not a fishman are you here for sweets too I'm right there with you buddy I can't get enough of them ever

Lion: you what! Alright that's it did that brat just say what I think he said 'he takes of his sun glasses showing tiny eyes'

Catfish: well uh I assure you there's an explanation

Luffy: awesome I've never seen a talking lion ehh it's no big deal my brothers part fox and we have another fluffy talking animal guy too

Ryo whispers: this guy looks stupid

Sanji: yeah he does

Zoro: definitely

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