The most unexpected reunion

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The two brothers keep on running

luffy: Hold on forget the exit where are we

Ryo: You know I've got no idea

Luffy: Well that's not helpful!

Ryo: Hey! I don't see you coming up with any ideas!

They eventually run past Barto

Luffy Rooster head it's me! Man am I glad to see you!

Ryo: Hey Barto what's up

Barto: M.Mr luffy! And Mr Ryo!

He seems to almost fall over

Luffy: Oh it's Bellamy

Ryo: Oh yeah

Barto looks at luffy again and turns around still sitting on the floor

Barto: he's too radiant it's like staring at the sun


Ryo: (does this guy know we can hear him)

Barto: Hey mr luffy, I don't remember what happened did you get to see mr zoro

Luffy: yeah I sure did thanks for the help

Luffy: Hey look we gotta get somewhere quick see but I can't find the exit think you can help again

Bellamy: There is no exit, you have to keep on fighting

Ryo: Wait Bellamy why are you so beat up?

Bellamy: Never mind that I'm telling you there's no escape from this place unless they want you to leave, so stop looking and give up hope

Ryo: Wait but there was a way in why not a way out

Luffy: yeah and besides it's an emergency, you work for Dolflamingo right come on please you gotta know a secret way out

Bellamy seems to be having inner turmoil

Luffy: Bellamy our friends need our help!

Bellamy: I'm looking to get out of this place myself if you follow me maybe you'll get out too but no promises

Ryo: Fine that's the best we can hope for so let's gon

Bellamy: You're not telling me to betray my boss are you, even now I'm loyal to Dolfamingo! No matter what I always respect him

Barto: come on man just a second ago you where-

Bellamy: I don't care! I've got my own honour to uphold

Luffy: Alright! I'll follow you out!

Ryo: Yeah let's go!

Barto: But what about the flame flame fruit!

Ryo: Tch I was hoping to win but our friends need us and they mattwr way more, but I need you to do something for me ok

Barto: Anything!

Ryo: Simple take my place and then fight in the final battle and if it's not too much trouble give us the flame flame fruit

Barto: Yes! I am all for this idea! Actually that was the plan from the start I knew you wanted the get the fruit of your dear departed brother so I was going to win the fruit and then give it too you

Luffy: Really!

Ryo: Yeah! If you win it we owe you big time!

Barto mumbles something

Barto: Don't worry about nothing! Just go on save the day! And let old Barto take care of the tournament for ya

Luffy: Thanks you're awesome buddy

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