The almost immortal monster

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Frankenstein reattaches his hand again through his stitches

Ryo: How did you do that

Frankenstein: uhh I don't know

Ryo: what do you mean you don't know

Frankenstein: I don't remember

Ryo's eyes widen a little: alright then maybe I can jog your memory

Ryo charges the monster and strikes the beast over and over again

Then the monster strikes down and Ryo punches the punch and they clash

Ryo: (Crap this guys strength is insane and I'm trying not too use thunder cloak)

Ryo throws off his jacket

Ryo: alright it's time to get serious! He then draws his claws again and slices up the beasts arm and then jumps and strikes the beast in the head with an axe kick

Ryo: There we go! Did that do anything too your memory

Frankenstein: Hmm I guess I remember the master putting something in my mouth I think it was called, the stitch stitch something or other

Ryo's eyes flare: (this guy was force fed a devil fruit!) tell me do you want to work for Moria

Frankenstein: Moria is my master That's my answer!

The beats delivers a clothes line right to Ryo sending him flying to a wall

Ryo gets out of it

Ryo: damn (this thing packs a punch he's slow and dumb but his strength and defence are no joke dammit I'm not good at fighting these types)

They then clash for an incredibly long time

Ryo is once again sent flying but he quickly flips off the wall and delivers a huge punch too the beast's face and it skids back

Ryo: (if I remember the best way too fight these guys is to use their strength and weight against them)

Ryo then charges forward and the beast reel back for right hook Ryo ducks under it and strikes Frankenstein's leg to throw its balance off and then grabs his outstretched arm and pulls off a huge shoulder throw

The beast is now on the ground

Ryo readies his claw: Now it's over

In a clash the beast is cut too shreds

Ryo then starts walking but that's when he's grabbed by the tail

Ryo shivers: (that didn't feel good)

He looks back too see that it is a detached hand but the rest of Frankenstein's body is slowly stitching itself back together

Frankenstein: I've been called a monster before but no-one has been able to put me in the ground

Ryo is then pulled in by his tail and then sent flying to a wall

Ryo: argh!

He's then punched in the gut and sent deeper into a wall that's when something crumbled behind him and it weirdly reveals an opening in the ground

Ryo: Guess we must not be far underground the sky is now revealed

Ryo; interesting guess I have a quick way out once I beat you

Frankenstein doesn't say anything just grabs him by the waist and starts squeezing Ryo

Ryo: argh! Thunderous DISCHARGE!

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