The kozuki clan

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Kinemon: I'm grateful too all of you!

Cat viper: Ha! No big deal, we're friends right, anytime

Dogstorm nods

Kinemon bows: our friendship, Yes, allow me to offer proof of our bond

He shows of the kozuki clan crest

Luffy: Kozuki?

Ryo: (Heh should I tell them all about oden, nah they'll figure it out)

Ussop: well jeez, that didn't go like we thought huh? 'He sighs' I was getting ready for a fight but it turns out their best buddies, who knew,

Brook: It's rathe ironic we tried so hard to keep their friends from them, beating our bones against a wall or heads rather Yohoho

Robin: it's no-ones fault, we may be allies but some secrets have to be kept

Chopper: I'm still surprised that Ryo knew all along

Ryo: Well I am from here, so it only makes sense but I was sworn to secrecy

Nami: wow, so the doggy and the kitty have the same hidden crest as kinemon, if the bond they share is that strong is must be quite the story

Ryo: Oh it is

Kinemon: Dogstorm, cat viper, I have to say I'm suprised I wasn't sure I'd find you two alive and well but here you are

Dogstorm: We kept the faith, although death would've been a mercy after what happened 

Cat viper: Well if we waited here we knew we'd see you-gara someday at least

Dogstorm: Hey you damn furball

Cat viper: what is it you mangy mutt

Dogstorm: Kinemon was talking to me-gara try taking your turn for once

Cat viper: Huh! 'They push their heads together' kinemon was obviously getting bored talking to you gara and since he is our esteemed guest I thought it would be consider of me to take over

The growl at each other

Ryo: Here we go again

Dogstorm: Why don't you Gara take a cat nap!

Cat viper: I'll sleep when I'm dead!

They start arguing even more throwing insult after insult at each other

Momonosuke: That's enough! Stop both of you! Stop fighting!

This gets everyone's attention

Momonosuke: What has transpired to make you hate each other so! In days past you two used to be the best of friends

Dogstorm and Cat viper: I..uh

Momonosuke: I forbid you two ever fight again! And if it's over my father! Then that makes it even worse, do you know how much it would break his heart too see this, it's too cruel!

Dogstorm growls

Cat viper: lord oden would

They lower their weapons

Luffy: Hmm

Nami: Momo

Ussop: it said it would break his fathers heart too see this, but kinemon's right here isn't he

Robin: I see

Ryo: I knew it

Cat viper and Dogstorm then bow their heads on their knees

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