The war begins

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Luffy and Ryo are ready too fight

Ace: Luffy, Ryo, Pops

Luffy: Old man I heard something on that navy ship I think you should know

Ryo: oh yeah almost forgot about that

Whitebeard: they are throwing out the schedule for an immediate execution are you sure that's what they said

Ryo: Hey you know my hearing that's definitely what they said

Luffy: Yeah and they said they've got to get all set off something first I don't know what because they where using codes

Ryo: Pops you want to rescue Ace as bad as us so that's why we are telling you and because you deserve to know

Luffy: Yeah what Ryo said

Whitebeard: well alright I suppose it's lucky I ran into you two then thanks kiddos

Luffy: sure thing

Ryo: it was no big deal

Buggy screams that they are now talking like they are equals

Ryo: Alright then

Luffy: let's do this!

Both: Hang on Ace!

They jump off the boat and charge the marines

Luffy: Gum Gum!

Ryo: Thunderous!

Luffy: Bazooka!

Ryo: Wave!

A whole lot of marines are taken down

Soon they are followed by the Whitebeard pirates such as the third division

Ryo: (I can fly but I can't rescue ace plus I doubt those admirals would let me do anything)

That's when Kizaru emerges

Ryo: dammit it's kizaru!

Luffy: Yeah that jerk from back on sabaody

Kizaru: And your the kids the Celestial dragons told me too get rid of nice too see you two again

He charges up a light attacked and fires it

Ryo: I'll show you why they call me Raikiri!

Ryo draws his sword and cuts the light in half

But then the admiral appears in front of him

Ivankov: Death wink!

Both brothers are sent flying into separate parts

He's then surrounded by marines

Ryo: Let's rock! You bastard!

Ryo takes on our with a huge kick and the others with thunderous wave

Then 5 more marines appears with swords in their hands

Ryo grabs his sword handle

Ryo: lightning sword style! RICE SPIRIT!

He slices up all the marines swords then snaps his fingers and they are all electrocuted and fall too the ground

Apparently the electric strike caused luffy to be distracted from a weird hypnotist that had a mushroom on his chin

Ryo: Well gotta keep going!

He fights his way through a ton of marines

One swings a club at him but he ducks under and tears it too shreds with his claws and then swerves around kicking him in the jaw

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