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Luffy, Ussop and Sanji do their thing as I ray but luffy assure them they can rely on Ryo and zoro too keep the others safe

It's revealed that conis called the lobster thay carried off the ship and she lied about the current which Ryo didn't hear because he was sleeping

Lighting strikes down on conis when she reveals what she did but luckily Ganfall saves her

Ryo wakes up once he feels the ship stop

Zoro: I can't believe that overgrown crustation just dropped us in the middle of nowhere

Chopper: does anyone know where we are

Nami: one things for sure we are definitely somewhere in the middle of upper yard 

Nami: one things for sure we are definitely somewhere in the middle of upper yard 

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Robin: hmm this seems to be some kind of alter of sacrifices

Ryo: Yeah that sounds right I bet we are put here until a big monster or soothing comes and eats us

Chopper gets scared: that's not good! WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE!

Ryo: yeah that is what sacrifice means

Chopper: AHH!

He falls of the boat and starts falling down the stairs until Robin uses her fruit to catch him

And then

A massive sky shark is about to eat him

Nami: what was that

Ryo: a shark

Robin: in the sky so a sky shark

Zoro jumps in to save chopper

Chopper frantically runs to the top of the alter and calls for zoro

Ryo: well this is a mess!

They all wait until zoro emerges form the water holding a sharks mouth open with his sword and he goes underwater again

Chopper: wait why hasn't he come back up

Nami: you don't think he got eaten do you

Ryo: Nah he'll be fine it's zoro

Robin: yeah plus if he had been eaten the clouds would've turned red by now

Ryo: uh huh


Zoro emerges from the water having defeated the sky shark

Zoro: I can tell you one thing we aren't going to make it across but swimming

Nami: what kind of swordsman punches a shark instead of using his precious blades

Chopper: I'm so glad you're ok

Nami: whatever happened to your previous swordsman's pride

Zoro: will you give it a rest for once!

Then more sharks appears

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