The warlord's reign will end

205 3 7

Fourth gear

Luffy hakifies his arm and then bites into it and it starts inflating and then his whole body starts inflating along side it

Revealing the might form known as

Luffy: Fourth gear! Bounce man!

Dolflamingo just laughs

Doflamingo: I'm sorry is this supposed to be a joke you certainly got big I'll give you that much, do you think a balloon scares me and here I thought you had a secret strategy to win this you should take things seriously

Ryo: (he's not wrong it is a funny looking form)

Luffy: I am serious! Wanna see!?

Dolflamingo: what are you going to do, bounce me to death? You can't even stand on your own two feet anymore, how are you supposed to kick my ass with a stupid power like thay

Luffy goes onto detail about his training, he fought giant animals if he wanted to wrestle them to the ground he needed greater size and greater bounciness

Doflamingo: And what good does Elasticity do

Ryo: oh you'll see, luffy you wanna shut this guy up for us

Luffy: Yeah..leave it to me, once I start he won't even be able to fight back!

He rushes forward and unbelievable speeds

Luffy: Now my Gum Gum, KONG....GUN!

Dolflamingo goes flying right down too the ground crashing throguh buildings on the way

Ryo whistles: (that definitely did something)

Luffy rushes straight down at the warlord and strikes him with gum gum


Dolflamingo is once again sent crashing through multiple buildings

Ryo: (couldn't of just done this from the beginning)

He watches luffy and Doffy have a huge clash in mid air, Luffy is definitely dominating the fight

Luffy: I told you now I'm using fourth gear you can't keep up, this is the end here I come mingo

Dolflamingo: who the hell do you think you're deal with

Doflamingo tries to fight back but luffy just keeps overwhelming him with pure power


Dolfamingo dodges and strikes luffy in the gut but Luffy is still made of rubber and sends him flying back

Then luffy uses Python! And it chases the world down never stopping until it hits its target

Luffy: and now gun gum! CULVERIN!

And the strike hits home

Ryo: (wow he's really grown can you see this Ace that's our little brother)

Doflamingo flies through so many buildings that Ryo didn't even bother to count them

Ryo: (He's overusing his Haki though that form is strong but it requires a lot of Haki, So he needs to end this now, I need to run down there after him)

Ryo runs down at high speed

Ryo: (this is going to be a problem)

Doflamingo then activates a power he turns the ground and the buildings into strings

Ryo: (No.way he's awakened his devil fruit,not gonna lie that's prttty awesome, but judging by how luffy is dealing with them this is going to be a big problem)

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