Block C

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Ryo sent Barto flying into the area and then walked out ass the victor and met up with luffy who was just talking to Bellamy

Ryo: So what was Bellamy annoyed about?

Luffy: oh he was annoyed that I cheered him on

Ryo: Oh? Well look who kicked hurt out there

Luffy: Yeah you're awesome R-

Ryo: sssh

Luffy: oh right you where awesome Kurama

They both walk off little do they know they where seen by Barto

Announcer: up next we have the battle of block C as soon as the arena is fixed up then we can commence with the slaughter all competitors in block C please report too the entrance gate

Luffy: Sounds like it's about that time

Announcer: I repeat everyone in block c please report to the entrance gate Immediately

Luffy: Alright then let's do it!

Ryo: Good luck bro

He then explains

Destruction canon Ideo

The funk brothers


Zaun the bandit

The colosseum's grim reaper-brutal bull

And todays like winner

The terrible Trio from the Kano kingdom



The legendary former pirate Don Chinjao!

Ryo's eye widens

Ryo: (that's who it is!? well this could be a serious issue)

Ryo is walking around when he sees Rebecca crying

Ryo: uhh hey Rebbeca what ya crying about?

Rebbeca's eyes widen: uhh nothing just being nostalgic

Ryo: yeah I understand that, sad memory or happy memory

Rebecca: Happy

Ryo: Ahh tears of joy then huh gotcha, but try drying those tears you gotta win after all

Rebecca wipes her tears and nods: kurama

Ryo smiles: no problem, now I'm going to go and cheer on Lucy so I'll see you later I'll be cheering for you in your battle

Rebecca: thank you congrats on your win

Ryo gives her a peace sign and walks off

Ryo finds a place to watch the battle and enjoys it

It starts with a big hammer guy taking out some guys but then luffy demolishes him

Luffy then stretches his fist

Ryo sighs: (wow luffy way too not be obvious)

He then gets surrounded

Ryo just watches bored now

Ryo: Bored, boredom, boring match

Luffy sends the hammer guy to go and swim with the fishes

Luffy keeps destroying people by being a whole lot stronger than them and then the bull goes wild and faces down luffy

The bull charges luffy but using second gear he dodges without any effort

The bull keeps charging and luffy keeps dodging

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