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The strawhats get put back in there bodies

Franky: It's about time! Man it's good to be back in my own body there's no-one I'd rather be then me SUPER

Robin: so you're back, but don't ever take possession of chopper's body again, Ever

Chopper: I'm back but I'm not happy, My body's all busted up now! Would it of killed you big jerks to be a little more careful with it!

Luffy and franky: I'm sorry it was all franky's/Luffy's fault

Luffy: My fault! You're the one that turned into a monster and flipped out I had to stop you!

Franky: with that same overpowered move you used to be a that kraken that was overkill

Chopper: Fine you're both jerks!

Luffy and franky: yeah sorry chopper

Nami: at least you got your own body back, why am I the only person who doesn't have their own body back first I'm franky now I'm Sanji

Luffy: Haha it's even funnier this way!

Chopper breaks into laughter too

Ussop: Looking good Nami!

Ryo coughs and starts laughing

Nami: Well I'm glad your enjoying it stop laughing!

Ussop explains that it had to be Nami so it had go into sanji's body

Law can't fix it until nami's body returns

Ryo walks over to the kids with law

Law: so they are all here

Luffy: uh huh and we've gotta help them somehow

Law: let's just forget about them to much work all of them are addicted to drugs

Chopper: Yeah we know that! I tested them poor kids I want to take them all back home but they need to recover and build up their strength, I don't know if we can do anything about their size

Ussop: it's sad who would do this too a bunch of little kids

Ryo: The world government is one example

Law: yup for hundreds for years now they've conducting experiments to try and turn people into giants

Robin: The government but why would they do something like that

Ryo: it's simple giants possess strength far beyond that of any normal human if they where able to turn humans into giants they could create an army of unlimited giant soldiers and become unstoppable

Ussop gulps

Law: Ceasars probably trying to figure out how he can do it first so he can beat vegapunk and the government to the punch but I don't think it's that simple, you sure you want to help them? I mean you don't even know who these kids are do you?

Sanji: no we don't in fact they might be strangers to me, but they spoke to me with tears in their eyes begging for help, the master was able to trick them into coming to this terrible place but once they got there it didn't take them too long for them to realise that something wasn't right, I'm going to make sure every single one of them is safe and sound and I won't leave this island until I do

Law: if I leave with luffy and Ryo are you going to stay here alone

Ryo: Sorry not happening I wanna save Yamato but we can't do it without this crew especially if these kids are important to them

Luffy: Yup couldn't of said it better if you're going to work with us get used to helping people

Ryo: you do call yourself a doctor don't you

Law grumbles

Ussop explains that even if they are part of an alliance whatever they do is all up too luffy. Luffy just thinks I means friendship

Luffy: How do you stand me?

Ryo: honestly I've got no idea

Law: Look I understand that this is what your friends want but that doesn't concern our plan

Turns out luffy had flicked a bogey at chopper and it's now stuck to his face

Chopper: hey! Stop flicking your boogers at me that's nasty!

Luffy: just wipe it off

Chopper: I can't move now remember!

Luffy: oh right sorry

Law: fine! But we have to hurry up there's no time putting the samurai back together can be your groups problem but I guess I can go and investigate the drug that was given to the children, whose the ships doctor again you come with me we'll do research behind ceasars back

And chopper is tied to law's head and law looks shell shocked

Luffy: Haha wow that's a lot of hats Traffy

Ryo: Haha gotta say Choper looks good on you! Hahaha

Nami: sorry for laughing but I just can't

Franky: Hahaha super cute

law looks shell shocked

Law ties chopper to his sword and tells them that basically everyone wants to kill them
Ceasar has a bounty 300 million
Has eaten a logia the gas gas
Has weapons of mass destruction
And wants to kill them

Law: those of you who can't use Haki should stay clear of him he's extremely tough

Luffy: Well we do have some haki users, There's me, Ryo, zoro and Sanji oh and you

Law: yeah that should be more than enough I'll head over to the lab now be careful out there

Ryo: yeah right back at ya, so we've got to kidnap ceasar alright then as much as I'd like to kill him capturing him is alright

Law: yeah that's right

But they ask why

Law: because it'll create chaos

Franky: sorry I don't get it

Law: No point in explaining it now we can worry about what lies head when the time comes, first we need to focus on capturing Caesar clown it won't be easy when that's done I'll explain everything too you in detail that said once we get our hands on cessation that's going to set everything in motion, so be ready there's no turning back, last chance to change your mind it's up too you Strawhat

Law: well alright then I'm more than willing to cooperate with you, you just need to make sure your crews onboard too

Luffy: Right! Sure thing

So then they all set off to do their jobs

And rush's a wrap

Ehh this arc is getting better still boring too write though

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