The fox and the Scorpion

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Ryo is facing down a huge scorpion man

Ryo: Tch so you are a scorpion man huh

Ituski: Yeah Now it's time for round 3 fox boy

They both get into fighting stances

Both: SHAVE!

They disappear Ryo goes to strike itsuki and but the assassin swerves around and strikes Ryo was his tail sending him flying back into a wall

Ryo: tch! Such a pain

Ryo then dodges a strike from the beasts tail and it destroys the wall next to him

Ryo: uhh ok well

Itsuki: the tail strike using the finger pistol on my tail creates on of my most devastating attacks which has never failed too kill a target

Ryo: heh well there's a first time for everything SHAVE

he reappears behind the scorpion man and goes for a strike too the back but it doesn't do anything

Itsuki: my exoskeleton is as hard as steel my tail is an Fearsome weapon, my exoskeleton is strong shield this is the perfect fruit for an assassin

Ryo: I won't disagree with you there (what was that fable about the scorpion betrayed the frog because stabbing it was his nature yeah sounds like an assassin to me)

While he's thinking the tail flies towards him

Ryo jumps up

Ryo: well that was close LUNA DANCE

He launches at the assassin and strikes him in the face itsuki reels back a little but he then feels a pain in his sides

Itsuki is grabbing him with his pincers

Ituski: I was hoping to kill you with poison but this'll work


He blasts electricity out of him and it covers both of them

Ituski let's go of Ryo and the half mink jumps back

Itsuki: wow sneaky I'm almost impressed

Ryo: I am a fox Now let's get back down to business

Ryo rushes his opponent with shave and ituski does the same

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Ryo rushes his opponent with shave and ituski does the same

They keep disappearing and reappearing

claws vs pincers

Then they are seen charging each other they disappear and then reappear behind each other

They swerve around and stare each other down

Blood spurts out of Ryo's cheek

Parts of itsuki's exoskeleton falls off

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