The ordeal of wings

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Ryo, zoro,Nami and Robin are in the forest

Zoro: enough is enough where is this god

Robin: it may not matter if he really is a god chances are he knows exactly where they are

Ryo: wish he'd come out and fight us then so we can kick his ass

Zoro: believe me I'm thinking the same thing

Nami: Ryo I thought you saw what I saw there is something oe someone on this island with the ability to destroy us

Ryo: yeah I saw it, but my goal is too be the strongest so I need to beat whoever this is to do just that

Robin: you really are just like your brother sometimes

Ryo gives her a toothy grin

Nami: oh powerful one we are but simple sailors please leave us in piece
And also please help us find lots and lots of treasure

Ryo and zoro: nice prayer Nami

Zoro: look you could sit on your knees all day if you want but it's not going to get us out of here I say we cross the river and see what's on the other side

Robin: yes I agree

Ryo: same here

Nami: and how do you plan to get access this time I don't see any vines handy hey maybe you could throw Robin across and

She stepped on a loose bit of ground and was about to fall on and be beaten by a sky shark but Ryo grabbed her while zoro kicked the shark away

Ryo: tch those things are everywhere

Nami: if you think I'm crossing that now you're out of your mind we may as well just hop in and give the sharks a free snack

Zoro: calm down we'll just walk up stream and hope we find a safe place to cross over

Nami: give up I'm going if you two want to go so bad then just leave me here

Ryo: tch

Zoro: argh I just might

Ryo: if you're so scared why'd you even come in the first place

Zoro: He's right!

They glare at each other

Robin: hey guys look at this

She rubs the ground p

Nami: look at what exactly

Robin: it's dirt

Nami: yeah am I missing something of course it's dirt

Robin: this is a sky island

Ryo: yeah I noticed this the first time why is dirt here why isn't it made of clouds

Zoro: you're the grounds not fluffy

Nami: oh yeah I noticed that the first time too sky islands are made of clouds it almost feels likes it been a year since I touched dirt so why is this island different from the others

Robin; not sure about the fact that it is different, probably what it makes this place so special anyway it's reason enough to start exploring

Prepare for judgment criminals you have no choice but to receive it

Select a gate select from five ordeals

For you there can be no turning back

You may choose your own trial but we will decide your fate

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