To whole cake island

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Ryo is still sitting on Zunesha's head

Ryo: Hey zunesha can you hear me

Ryo suddenly feels a sting in his head

Zunesha: yes,.I can but just barley

Ryo's eyes widened: seriously

Zunesha: Indeed,please tell me what is your name?

Ryo: My name is Ryo why'd you ask

Zunesha doesn't respond for a while it seems to be thinking

Zunesha: Ryo, you say that's a strong name

Ryo: Can momo and luffy hear you right now

Zunesha: no they cannot I am speaking directly too you

Ryo nods: Why did you ask what my name was?

Zunesha: It was nothing you need to worry about right now

Ryo: alright then

Ryo gets up

Zunesha: you're leaving?

Ryo: yeah I gotta help fix you

Zunesha: thank you Ryo

Ryo nods and runs off disconnecting the link

Zunesha: (What are the chances that he has the same name as..him)

Ryo runs over back to his crew and zunesha shakes again almost falling over

But eventually he stops

Ryo just keeps running and sees the crew getting ready to start working

Ryo: so we're fixing zunesha up huh

Luffy: Yup wanna help

Ryo: of course I do

Luffy: Ok here goes you wanna start!

Chopper: ywah the first part is gathering a hole bunch of medicinal herbs which probably won't be too difficult but the bandage might be though

Ussop: that is tough, what's big enough to wrap around a giant elephant's leg and even then does anyone even know a way we can put it on the wound

Robin: for starters I can get the bandage

Ussop: yeah great

Chopper: thanks for your help

Robin: No problem leave it too me

Franky: all that's left now is too figure how to to slap that thing on there, remind me man, back when you heard jack wa salute you talked about preparing some vessels, right?

Dogstorm: that's right?

Then it turns out that they just lower the ships using ropes

Franky tells Ryo, Zoro, brook and kinemon to cut down some trees for him

Ryo nods and runs off and uses his lightning sword and something feels different it's formed into a perfect katana shape

Zoro: Wow Ryo that's neat

Ryo: Yeah, it is but something feels interesting

Zoro: and what's that

Ryo: it feels like I can't fully control it yet, like it has a Will of its own

Zoro grins: That's perfect

Ryo: huh?

Zoro: some swords are like that, I can tell yours is like a wild beast, which means in order to master it you need to tame it

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