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'Alright sorry I'm gonna need to retcon again by making Ryo already know about his dad before Garp said it, let's just say Rayleigh told him it doesn't change the story much anyway'

Ryo is in the crows next taking a nap knowing he'll need every single bit of rest he can get

Ryo: So Pops, Luffy, can we actually save Ace or will it all go wrong

Luffy: I can see it! Hey! Jinbei!, Ryo! It's the gate of justice!

Ryo: (well here we go The real fight starts now)

Ryo lands next to luffy

Ryo: We've got his right?

Luffy: We don't have a choice either we save Ace or we die trying

Ryo: Roger that Captain, but how are we gonna open this gate

Luffy: Maybe if I give it a good hit

Galdino: Sure maybe if we knocked, Do you really think a punch is going to open it

As if on cue

The gates of justice opened

Ryo: what the..

Buggy pretends to be the one too open the gate

They then start being tossed around by the waves

Luffy: who cares why it's open let's go!

Ryo: What my brother said let's do this!

A but later

Ivankov: Well we are through the gate, I'm just worried your dear old dad is going to make an appearance, I'm sure those guttermen boys would love that

Luffy: dad

Ivankov: Dragons not the type to sit back while his Son gets killed when he's on a tear things get nasty

Ryo: Huh my dad is dead and my adopted father is nowhere near here

Luffy: Yeah me, Ryo and Ace don't have the same dad

Luffy: You're right about dragon being my dad, But Ryo's dad is portgas D akuma and Ace's dad is Gold roger

Ivankov: Huh!

Luffy: yeah pretty cool huh, it's a shame they never get to meet thier real dads but Ace always got mad when I talked about his father

Everyone: Huh!

Ryo: ugh seriously luffy that was a secret ace is gonna be mad at you

Luffy: Oh yeah that's supposed to be a secret

Ryo: yeah so everyone forget it

Everyone: Huh!

Ryo has a flashback too the day he met Whitebeard

Ace and Ryo are faced off with Whitebeard with a huge fire behind them to protect their crew

Whitebeard: what's the matter don't tell me you're both getting cold feet

Ryo: You're fight is with us

Ace: Our crew isn't trying to kill you that's us, So let them go!

Whitebeard: giving me orders? You cocky punches

Ryo turns on thunder cloak and charges Whitebeard with ace by his side

Ace and Ryo: Haaa!

But Whitebeard sends them both to the ground

Ace: So this is what he's made of my father's greatest rival

Ryo: don't forget my father's as well but even so

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