Marines are annoying

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FYI Ryo has his hood up until I say he doesn't
Sanji, Ryo and luffy are sneaking around

Luffy: Hey Sanji, Ryo where are zoro and Ussop

Ryo: well I'd assume they are in the brig

Luffy: too the brig

Sanji: do you know where the brig is oh fearless leader

Luffy: no I thought one of you two knew

Sanji and Ryo look at each other

Sanji: how would we know that

Luffy: that big belly button island with the guns look suspicious

Luffy: that big belly button island with the guns look suspicious

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Sanji: yeah and why's that

Luffy: I don't know

Ryo: he might be onto something it's surrounded by the sea and no to mention it's heavily guarded what better place to keep criminals

They go to leave out the window but they have to hide when a man walks past

They are in the vents

Sanji: crap, the patrols are using mini transponder snails to communicate. This will be tough.

Ryo: I know we are in a dangerous situation and everything but...

Luffy: this is actually a lot of fun

Ryo smirks: yeah

Sanji tick mark: get a move on you too

The sneak and manage to get out of the base

They are still sneaking around

Sanji is in front of them and he suddenly stops making Ryo and luffy run into him

Ryo: Ugh

Luffy: what are you waiting for Sanji

Sanji: hush dammit we're gonna have to fight our way through, hello the underside of the bridge is completely unguarded come on you too that's our way in

Ryo shrugs and follows Sanji

Luffy: cool

They all jump down the cliff

They then see an old guy walking out of the brigs

Luffy: someone came out

Sanji: I don't like it something seems fishy about that place

Luffy: well let's do it

Ryo: wait a minute luffy

Sanji: yeah he's right the path we took to get there was completely unguarded they are showing us where to go that can only mean one thing

Luffy: I know! The boss of this fortress is a nice guy!

Sanji kicks luffy against the cliff

Ryo: they are going to ambush us and considering my previous line of work I know it when I see it

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