The thousand sunny!

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The gang is all here and they furl the sails

Zoro: alright franky I don't get it but I furled all the sails now do what you are going to do before the navy blows us up

Sanji: a name!? at a time like this!

Franky: of course this is her maiden voyage so there's no point if we don't do it now

Ryo: He has a point 'he slices a cannon ball in half' so what's the name

Sanji: well it's gotta have lion in it right?

Luffy: wait I got it the perfect name, I just thought of the perfect name the black bear polar bear lion tiger

Ussop: that's a horrible name for a ship? No way!

Luffy: then how about the super wolf gorilla bear!

Ussop: you are just naming off animals can't you pick one and go from there?

Luffy: thr squid octopus chimpanzee

Ussop: what happened to the lion?

Franky: well I did have a lion in mind for the figurehead but the guys at galleyla didn't seem to get that
He says iceberg named it

The thousand sunny!

Luffy: ooh I like it!

Chopper: me too it's super cool

Luffy says a weird name

Zoro: I kind of wanted big boss lionel but thousand sunny works too

Ryo: Personally I would've gone with the sea beast king but I like thousand sunny

Robin: I was going to suggest creature of darkness

Sanji: I like Moncier sunflower personally

Ussop: Have all of you lost your minds!

Robin: a ship to sail a thousand seas with a sunny smiles sounds perfect

Ryo: yeah agreed

Franky: don't get too excited you guys tha5 was just I warm up I've got a name that'll knock your socks off this ship will now be known as

They all agree on the name and ignore franky who pouts

Sanji: hey franky stop pouting and get moving

Ryo: yeah use this secret weapon of yours and get us out of here

Zoro: better make it quick the navy is going to catch up any second

Franky: yeah yeah I know take one last look at water 7 because it's going to be out of sight before you know it because once we get moving we'll really be moving

Ryo and luffy smirk at each other

Luffy: ok just a sec

They stand on the edge of the ship and breath in

Ryo and luffy: GRANDPA!


Garp: What are you two yapping about I've got plenty more cannon balls double meteor fist!

The throws two cannon balls and the brothers in unison send them flying off

Ryo: Give it up!

Luffy: I don't know what going to happen but we're gonna get away

Both: I hope too see you guys again someday

Garp: you little turds you show you grandpa some respect! You hear me! How dare you!

Luffy shouts goodbye too everyone

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