The Decisive battle

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Ryo watches pics get sliced in half and looks too see a man flying high in the sky wielding three swords

Ryo: Awesome Zoro just awesome

Then in mid air Zoro keeps on cutting the mighty stone body to pieces

Ryo is sitting on a roof trying to get some rest

He then sees pica up in the sky covering himself in Haki

Ryo: (Zoro can you end this guy already)

Pica jumps at zoro but zoro launches right back at him

And zoro cuts him using the mighty attack known as three thousand worlds!

Ryo: Heh that was epic

Then the remains keep falling Ryo gets up to try and help until he hears


All the debris are destroyed by Elizabello

Zoro: That settles that

Ryo: It sure does alright time for me to make a move, Mingo! I'm coming for you!

Ryo runs and turns on thundercloak noticing a whole lot of downed enemies on the way

Ryo: Wow everyone's really been doing their part nicely

Ryo just keeps running knowing exactly where he needs to go

Ryo: Knowing luffy he'll end up at the plateau, which means that's exactly where I need to go

The smile factory then bursts into flame

Ryo: Heh nice work guys, alright now it's up too us 'he looks ip' but the bird cage is still around so I need to get to the top of this thing as quickly as possible (just a little bit longer..luffy)

Ryo keeps running and finds a bunch of giant really creepy dolls

Ryo twitches: ugh so freaking creepy! Ugh just gotta blast through!

He charges right through and crashes through every single one of the nut crackers

He just keeps running trying to reach the plateau in time

Ryo: (Come on!)

He sees the bird cage closing

Ryo: (Crap that's really bad, No! No time to think about that just gotta keep on running!)

He then hears the sound of a transponder snail and sees one just lying on the ground

He picks it up

Ryo: Huh hey what's up?

Robin: Ryo! Is that you

Ryo: You know it, what's up

Robin: Where are you right now?

Ryo: Running to the plateau to help luffy, why?

Robin: What you aren't there already?

Ryo: Tch believe me that was the plan but I got sidetracked by an annoying enemy

Robin: Well luffy needs you he can defeat Dolflamingo by himself but  not before this bird cage crushes everyone

Ryo: Yeah I figured that out too, tch it'll be a pain but I guess I need to take the express route

Robin: Wait are you going to try and fly all the way up there?

Ryo: Yeah..but don't worry I can do it

Robin: Go and do it!

Ryo nods and hangs up

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