Completely defeated

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Luffy: Rayleigh!

Franky: The geezer saved Ryo

Chooper: I was so scared

Sentomaru: so that guy is the dark king interesting

Kizaru: I heard rumours you where somewhere on the archipelago but I chalked them up as ghost stories yet here you are sticking your neck out of these rookies you just can't shake those instincts can you once a pirate always a pirate

Rayleigh: I'd happy retire and live my life peacefully but it's hard when the world government keeps hanging wanted posters of me, Not to mention when an admiral goes after my son!

Kizaru: You where a member of the roger pirates Rayleigh, you think your crimes can be forgotten not to mention your son is currently a wanted man or whatever he is, but if we where to make a honest attempt at capturing you, that would require some serious preparation on our part

All of the strawhats are in awe

Ryo falls too his knees unable listen to them all he hears is kizaru syaing something about keep the celestial dragons happy

But then

Luffy: Hey Ussop you guys! Grab zoro and get out of there!

Ussop grabs zoro and starts running white brook

Ryo suddenly feels himself moving and ends up at Robin's feet

Luffy: Everyone start running and look after yourselves, we can't win this one! We are too weak get moving!

Robin offers a hand to Ryo

Robin: come on let's go

Ryo: right!

Ryo is lifted up and they run

Ryo: Hey! Dad thank you!

Rayleigh: Yeah no problem good luck!

Ryo: good let's go! Captains orders right

Robin and chopper nod and they both run

Ryo winces in pain and he can't keep running

Ryo: ugh dammit

Chopper then grabs Ryo and throws him on his back

Ryo: thanks chopper

Chopper: don't..mention it

Chopper runs now with Ryo on his back

They see luffy get sent flying by Sentomaru

Chopper: Luffy! How can his attacks work on him when luffy's made of rubber what the hell

Ryo: ugh it'll take way too long to explain but essentially he has a power where he can hit person regardless of their devil fruit power

Robin: come on we have too keep moving

Ryo: she's right chopper

Ussop: Sanji!

They see Sanji get hit by a point blank laser blast

Then Ussop and zoro get thrown too the ground by another one

Chopper: Everyone is gonna die! Robin take care of Ryo!

Chopper gives Ryo too Robin and then rushes off

Ryo: Chopper wait don't do it!

Robin: It's too dangerous!

But their cries fall on deaf ears

Chopper: Get the hell away from my friends!

Chopper uses three rumble balls and turns into a massive reindeer monster

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