To the palace

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Luffy, Ryo, Kinemon and zoro all dressed up in weird costumes are running
Ryo is funnily enough dressed in a nine tailed fox costume a

Kinemon: Uhh sir luffy, Sir ryo

Luffy: Hmm what's up

Kinemon: Sir zoro is missing

They notice and he is definitely missing

Ryo; ugh! Seriously we ran in a straight line how's that even possible

Kinemon: should we turn around and search for him

Luffy: we don't have time for that traffy needs our help, let's just go he always finds us sooner or later

Kinemon: is that so?

Ryo: You have no idea

Then a little while later

Zoro: Huh? Luffy, Ryo, Kinemon!

Luffy: Oh hey there you are

Ryo: got lost again did ya?

Zoro: shut up!

Kinemon: I'm pleased too see you unharmed sir zoro

Then a little person pops out of zoro's costume

Luffy: Haha it's a little person!

Ryo: (he's so happy)

Dwarf: Follow my directions and I'll get you too the palace

Luffy: Where did you find her?

Kinemon: is she a friend of yours sir zoro?

Zoro: Nah I don't know if that's the word I'd use?

Dwarf: I'm a member of king Riku army's scouting unit the name is wika anyway we need to get on it the operation has already started without us


Wika: Ok listen carefully the palace where Dolflamingo is lurking, the toy house and the trade port where the smile factory is located are all connected

Kinemon: In other words infiltrating the palace allows us to ingress the other locations

Wika: that's right, too get access to the factory you have to either pass through the palace, or enter through the toy house the only other way inside is through the trade port in a secret tunnel that my people and I dug the most direct route for us to take is through the palace

Kinemon: Undeertsood though I'm still in a state of disbelief over such wee folk despite one standing before my very eyes

Luffy: Yeah these guys are great huh? She's like a toy

Zoro: there where hundreds more of them too

Luffy: oh man I can't wait too see that

Wika: We don't show ourselves often, we are told that we should only allow the big people of the royal family too see us, but you guys the Strawhat ussolanders are the exception to that rule

Kinemon: Ussolanders?

Wika: there's no time to explain operation Sop is already underway Ok you can see it there that's the lift entrance to the place I was telling you about

Luffy: oh wow we can ride it all the way to the top huh!

Wika: the only problem is too use the lift we have to show a pass too a security guard

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