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Rebbeca starts talking about the toy solider with only one leg about how he'll die

Luffy: You know I met someone like that in front of the Colosseum

Ryo: it'd be hard to believe there was more than one of them

Rebecca: Yes that was probably him if not definitely

Prisoner: We are not allowed to step foot outside the arena even if we wanted to help your friend there's nothing we can do in here

Ryo: Is it even possible for a toy to be killed, even it being alive seems weird and kinda creepy to be honest

Rebecca: You two are not from around here so it's hard to understand they are a lot like is humans

Rebecca goes onto explain how they act like friends for the ones who don't have any
The siblings for hose without families
Or bringing love to the lonely

Rebecca: I don't understand why it's again the law for them to live with us, you know ever since the day I lost my mother, I never had an family but he brought me up like I was his own daughter-in-law don't think of him as a toy he's more like a father too me

Luffy: Wow you two seem really close

The hear that the ring has been repaired and them Rebecca heads out

After some comforting words from luffy

Rebecca enters the arena

She gets ridiculed but despite that she walks in with confidence

Luffy: What the hell! I don't get why everyone hates her so much I mean screw em she's a really nice person, she even bought me two lunches

Ryo: Yeah seriously who could hate someone like her!

Prisoner: don't matter! She's bound by her families legacy, her grandfather was our former king the entire country despises him

Luffy: whatever the old king did back then even if she is his granddaughter it had nothing to do with Rebecca!

Ryo: Yeah! She's her own person who gives a crap who her family is that Desmond change that she's a good person

Prisoner: heh yeah! Couldn't agree more you two are alright after all

Prisoner 2: what happened with her grandfather was devastating to dressrosa, but the real struggle lies elsewhere, as for us we all love Rebecca she's our one beacon of hope

Luffy: Beacon of hope?

Prisoner 3: Yeah she's saved us from our despair we've been fighting as hard as we can too pull ourselves out of this pit of misery but too no prevail all we can do is survive

Prisoner: we ended up like this because we weren't strong enough, but she's is one tough cookie whatever she's up against we'll always believe on Rebecca

Prisoner 2: she just needs to win this thing and get the flame flame fruit if she can do that, this kingdom will finally change for the better

Ryo and Luffy exchange glances before Ryo sits down to watch the battle

Cavendish then charges I'm telling them all too shut the fuck up

Cavendish: Shut your filthy mouths! I don't know what she did to inspire such hatred, this young lady is courageous enough to fight to the death it's easy for you to scorn her you're all safe up in your seats, if you truly wish to see her dead I invite you to come down and fight her! 'He gets off his horse' your voices are like the buzzings of insects you cowards I won't abide by your cruelty in this arena of bloodshed don't act as though life and death are a mere game

Luffy: Well Cabbage that was actually really nice, I still don't like you though you suck

Ryo: ehh he's growing on me

The crowd start cheering for him

Then shortly after the The match begins

Rebbeca fights with an unbelievable amount of grace and precision using her sword to push her opponents into the water

She just keeps on dodging and using her opponents strength against them and Splash!

They are in the water

Luffy: Yeah! That was awesome! Go Rebecca!

Little did they know Barto was just wondering around and saw zoro then started crying saying that he's luffy's first mate well apart from Ryo of course

Luffy starts cheering Rebecca on

Ryo just watches with a smirk on his face

Rebecca continues too fight with grace and power taking out any opponent on her way

There's also a lot of other weirdos in the ring but despite being weirdos they are incredibly strong

Cavendish however is showing off the most

Cavendish is fighting a so called handsome bounty hunter

Then with what looks like a single slash of his blade the hutner's spear is gone

Cavendish then starts doing a weird dance

Luffy: Hey cabbage get out of the way! I wanna see Rebecca fight but I can only see your dumb face!

Ryo: yeah I take back every nice thing I said about you, get out the way

Prisoner: yeah what he said!

Prisoner 2: no-one don't cares about your goofy ass

Prisoner 3: Get out of the way!

Rebecca continues to fight looking worn out but the unbelievable number of opponents but she still doesn't stop

She just keeps dodging and then with grace and power she makes all her opponents take a dive

But then she's faced with incredibly large opponents

The prisoners continues to cheer for her

Ywah! Just a little more and you've got him!

Luffy: do yourself a favour and stop backing up are you trying to get yourself knocked in

Prisoner: that's what I'm talking about this gonna be sweet

Luffy: I thought you where on her side

Prisoner 2: just wait she's about to do something cool

Ryo: Yeah I cam see that too

They all rush at her

Then with one mighty strike

They are all sent flying into the water by Rebecca

Prisoner: Nice going Rebecca Atta girl

Luffy: that's crazy what happened I'm not even sure what I just saw

Ryo: it was awesome

And that's a wrap

Sorry this chapter was boring but gotta get through them to get to the good stuff

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