The forbidden sacred ground

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We see Ryo and Nami looking at the huge forest

Nami: I can't get over the size of those trees

Ryo: wait that ground it looks weird it's not made of clouds

Nami: huh you're right so they do have earth and ground up here

Ryo: But why would it be here this is supposed to be a sky island after all something is very wrong with this place

Nami: yeah I'm getting that feeling too but seriously those are the biggest trees I've ever seen in my life they've got to be hundreds of years old that or things grow bigger a few miles up in the sky

Ryo: either one could be possible and they're so tall I can't even see where they top out

Ryo: I'll go and check

Ryo is about to hop off when he senses something

They hear people talking

Ryo: it's people ssh

Nami: they where over here

They drift towards where the voices came form and suddenly find a wrecked ship

They get on board

Ryo: nope no-ones here

Nami: hmm claw marks and something big by the looks of them

Then a bird lands on a dial and it speaks

Dial: I'm possitive the treasure has got to be here but I don't see anything look harder we didn't come here for nothing its close it has to be but where we're getting warmer

Nami: wait those voices are coming from that shell crazy it sounds like there's a person trapped inside

Ryo: yeah that's a tone dial I learned about them before I joined you they are special shell type things that absorb sound and can play it bakc by pressing n the apex

Nami: oh amazing!

She does so

They then hear that the people are scared

Dial: forget this I'm out of here, I can't stop shaking I'm so scared can you feel that it's god's anger, wait I hear something, what is it, It's god, 'CRASH' AHHH!

Nami: Where they killed by god

Ryo: uh huh bad feeling confirmed 'smirks' god huh interesting

Nami: Quiet this place it's so creep that's it I think it's time to ge tout of here

Ryo: aww man already

Nami: YES!

Ryo: (she's scary) alright Roger that mam let's go back

Nami: right!

They hear a crash and then they hear a man screaming for help

That's when they decided to leave

Nami: those voices those sound what where they!

Ryo: well I'd hate to be that guy right now

Nami: which guy

Ryo: that guy

He points to a man being chased by a couple of weird looking people with wings

He points to a man being chased by a couple of weird looking people with wings

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