The Merry's fate

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Ryo thinks back
Zoro: What you better be lying because if this is a joke I'm sure as hell not laughing

Ryo: yeah tell us the truth square face!

Kaku: I wouldn't lie about something like this I'm a professional

Flashback over

Ryo's hair covers his eyes: (merry are you really never going to sail again)

Kaku: I'll leave you here if that's ok I need to get back to your crew

Ryo nods not looking at Kaku

Kaku leaves

Zoro: this is such a mess

Ryo: you've got that right

They both sigh in unison

Ryo gets up on his hammock and close his eyes trying to relax

Zoro soon goes back to his nap

Then soon Sanji and chopper return Ryo and zoro tell them everything

Sanji: what is that true?

Zoro: well that's what the shipwright said

Ryo: he said it was a miracle that the ship even made it this far

Sanji: this ship

Chopper: the ship it can't be fixed even if we have money then..then what's going to happen to the merry

Ryo: I don't know but at the end of the day it's captains orders right he'll be the one too make the final decision

Sanji: it just seems so extreme I mean look at her same old merry that she's always been, we've travelled together all the way from the east blue too right now

Zoro: you just answered your own question humans become stronger hardship after hardship but ships are different their wounds just pile up

Sanji: it's just so hard to accept and what is Ussop going to say when he hears all of this

Chopper: I don't wanna leave her I love the merry

Zoro: I know we all do her wounds are too deep there's nothing we can do

Sanji: the merry is in trouble and robins still missing I'm worried about both of them

Ryo: wait what about Robin

Sanji: I'll tell you later

Nami: Hey everyone!

Chopper: look it's Nami and she's alone

Sanji: that's weird I wonder what happened to luffy and Ussop, Hi Nami is everything alright!

Nami tells them everything and the guys leave they go and look for Ussop he was very beat up apparently

Ryo blasts off with Luna dance and jumps from roof to roof: Ussop! Where are you answer me!

He then catches the scent of blood

Ryo: that idiot I guess that he wandered off by himself wait did he ugh dammit that idiot of course he did

Ryo decides to go back to his friends and sees they are with luffy

Ryo: so you guys figured it out too then huh Ussop is gone and there's a trial of blood

Sanji: yeah we are going to head to the hideout over to the guys that did it I bet we'll find Ussop and the money there

Ryo nods

Sanji: maybe he felt responsible for the matter and went to go and settle the matter with the franky family on his own

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