Lets get oursleves a shipwright

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Zambai begs the crew to take franky with them

Luffy: come on guys you don't have to beg I already decided I was gonna make him my shipwright

Zambai: you mean it! And the rest of you are ok with that too

Sanji, Nami and chopper are still depressed over their bounites

Robin: of course

Ryo: yeah having a cyborg shipwright sounds awesome

Zambai: Ahh thank you now that they've agreed it's time to move come on you know what we've got to do

Franky family: Yeah!

The Frank family run off

Kiwi: but wait where are you going

Mozu: yeah crap island is that way remember

Zambai: I can't tell you we've got some dirty business too do you're better off no knowing Mozu, kiwi thank you Frank that you've done

Zoro: alright just too make sure we are all on the same page about Ussop

Luffy, heh yeah

Zoro: this is about doing what's right

Luffy, let's go you've been depressed for long enough

Sanji: shut up! Why is mine the only one with a drawing!

Luffy: who cares about the picture you've got a bounty

Sanji smiles for a second: Who is this huh!? Because it's not me!

Zoro: i thought it was a photo till you said something 'Sanji speaks jibberish' Who has a handsome face again?

Sanji falls to the ground

Sanji: all the women in the world are gonna laugh at me

Nami sighs: that guy lied too me he said he was a reporter for the local paper having a bounty kind of stinks but on the plus side a the picture turned out pretty cute

Chopper: i flight like true man back there I'm a pirate just like all the rest of you and what do they mean by pet I'm doctor darn it!

Luffy: well try harder then

Ryo: (he became a reindeer kaiju beast how is he supposed to ry harder)

Mozu: Strawhat what are you doing in there!?

They go outside

Kiwi: don't you wanna see you ship can't keep our big bro waiting

Luffy: I know I know well hope we aren't forgetting anything

Ryo: nope I checked all over the room everything is packed

Chopper: hey Sanjis not moving anymore

Zoro: guess we'll just have to find a new cook

Sanji: What? Just give me a minute dammit!

The crew head out saying goodbye to chimney and kokoro

They get too the short

Luffy: ooh I see something big

Ryo: it smells like a ship that's gotta be it

Luffy: Hey franky we are ready for our ship now!  'The see iceberg'

Ryo: Hey icepops what's up

Iceberg: good too see you

Ryo: yeah you two but where's franky

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