Ryo's back

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Ryo is eating a lot of octopus fritters at insane speeds

He's not listening to them talking he's just eating he pauses when hatchi asks Nami if they taste good because of the insane awkwardness

But then sighs in relief when she said it's delicious and keeps eating

Hey! Hey! You guys, young master!

You can't leave before I get too say goodbye anyway

Turns out Duval is "handsome" now not that he cares

He just keeps eating

Turns out duval is now really freaking arrogant again not that he cares

He also looks really ugly when he winks

Ryo looks up: uhh what was happening

Sanji: it'd take way too long to explain plus I don't want too

Luffy and Ussop: ditto

then much later

Ryo is full of food and is taking a nap in his hammock

Ryo: Hopefully all this food helps heal these injuries

Later Ryo is up and is listening too the conversation

Camie: it it looks like you guys are on the right course first stop sabaody archipelago

Ussop: and we've gotta go there first if we want too get too fishman island

Hatchi: we fishmen and mermaids can get there in no time flat it's not quite as easy for humans the water pressure would crush you too bit

Ryo then goes too being half asleep when Papagu starts talking since he already knows all this crap

Then he only gets back into the conversation when they reach the sabaodu archipelago

Luffy: So cool!

Ryo: Ahh this brings back memories haven't been here in a long time not since I travelled with ace

Luffy: you've gotta tell me about your adventures some day

Ryo: I will but let's save that we've got our own adventures too do

Luffy: Right!

They are all excited, it also turns out sabaody has no magnetic field since it's just a cluster of huge trees

They set off

Luffy plays around with a bubble and eventually falls

Nami: so hatchi what's our objective on this island anyway didn't you say something before about getting the ship coated 

Hatchi: We'll meet up with one of the islands coating specialists have have him slap a coat of this resin on your ship that's a,l it takes after that your ship will be fully equipped for underwater travel

Framky: seriously

Hatchi: Yup the process works, wonders and it's the only way I know of that humans can reach fishman island but you don't want an amateur too do it because if you do the water pressure will crush the ship and everyone on it I've got one specialists that I really trust through so you'll be in good hands

Ryo: is his name Rayleigh by any chance?

Hatchi: Why it is but how do you know

Ryo:  well it'd be pretty weird not too know my adopted father

Hatchi: WHAT! He's your adopted father!

Ryo: yeah I lived with him from ages 5 too about 9 when I was forced to set sail and I met up with luffy

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