Lets get off this island

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Ryo is running down a hallway and sniffs

Ryo: huh? Is that chopper?

The hallway is falling apart

Ryo: Hey Chopper!

He runs and finds Chopper on top of Moka being carried by the navy

Ryo: Chopper!

Chopper: Ryo! You're here thank goodness

Ryo: Chopper what happened to the girl

Chopper looks scared and sad: she ate all the candy!

Ryo: Oh crap, we've gotta get her proper help as quick as possible

Ryo joins the navy in lifting her up

Ryo: Hopefully I can help move this along a little

Chopper: thanks Ryo

Marine: Yeah Dragonkiller is here!

Ryo: call me Ryo after all we are in this together

Marine: right!

Ussop: Chopper Can you hear me!

Chopper: is that ussops voice?

Ryo: sounds like it

Ussop: just keep heading straight for now then head down the stairs  that's the best way too get to the R building from there I need to close the shutters before the gas gets in

Chopper: thanks I'll do my best you heard him right!?

Ryo: Oh yeah

Marine: yes sir!

They hear Ussop cheering them on

Ryo: Come on everyone we need to pick up the pace!

Marine: Hey look the stairs we can do this!

Ryo: of course we can!

Chopper: You head that moka we're gonna make it just stay strong

Ryo: She's incredibly strong and brave no doubt she'll go far

Chopper: I couldn't agree more that's why we need to save her life

Brook: Chopper!

Ryo: What's wrong!

Brook: oh Ryo too, It's kinemon just look at him! The gas came and then this happened now he's as dead as me!

Ryo: huh!

Chopper: what!

The skid to a halt

Brook coughs

Chopper: ok calm down tell me what happened?

Brook: tragedy struck when we where evacuating the children from the exam room we where searching for kinemon's lost son momonosuke and we ran into a girl who knew him she said something odd

Apparently momonosuke had turned into a dragon and kinemon ran into the gas thinking he sliced up his son and now he's like this

Chopper: what was he thinking?

Ryo: I don't think he was family can make you do crazy stuff

Brook: what should we do!? what should we do!? what should we do!? what should we do!?

Ryo: Will you two shut up! We can deal with this when we are out of here right now we gotta keep running

Ussop: Ryo is right you need to move your butts the gas is right behind you

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