The Dragonkiller

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Akainu: So the brutal beast that murdered a celestial dragon finally shows his face 'he gains a sadistic smirk' how fortunate

Ryo: ace, luffy

Ryo once again let's out an ear shattering roar

Akainu: so you've awakened the conquers spirit how interesting

Ryo doesn't respond he just disappears and then strikes Akainu in the face

Akainu: ahh you hurt me

Ryo growls and continues pummelling Akainu, the admiral keeps trying to strike but Ryo keeps moving

He can hear all his brothers crying out Ace's names and this just makes him growl more

The admiral then grabs Ryo by the neck and is about to cover him in magma but suddenly an intense pain shoots through his arm and it's filled with hundreds maybe even thousands of volts of electricity all at once

The admiral stumbles back and then is struck int he head by an axe kick

Ryo growling: guess I can get you on your knees, And now it's time to kill you

Akainu: No! I am a force of absolute justice I will never fall too a monster

Their attacks clash and Ryo is sent flying back but he recovers and skids along the ground

Luffy holding ace: what's going on with,,Ryo

Marco: you know he's part mink right, well this is his sulong form his power shoots through the roof but the drawback is just a severe or pushes his body to its psychical limits but he's probably already gone beyond that today so if he keeps fighting

Ryo spurts out some blood

Akainu: It's over, monster!

Luffy: RYO!

A few weeks after Ryo left dawn island he is sailing around and then finds a random island to find supplies and stuff when he hears something

Civilian: did you hear a celestial dragon is coming here

Civilian: What! Why!

Civilian: to visit his summer home it's on the far side of the island but the only reason we are hearing about it is because he's also here for the yearly inspection to make sure it meets his high standards

Civilian: and if they don't

Civilian: well we don't know what they'll do

Ryo: excuse me but which celestial dragon is this

Civilian: I think he had the name saint Jalmack, as you might've heard he has a summer house around here

Ryo's eyes darkness but he bows

Ryo: Thank you for the information it was much appreciated

Civilian: oh you are welcome, no problem, since your a tourist nest to lay low while they are here

Ryo: roger that thanks for the info

Civilian: again no problem at all

Ryo walks off and the civilian could swear he saw a fluffy tail but dismissed it

Ryo: (so it really is him the monster who tortured me for all those years and gave me this Damn thing on my back)

Ryo's resolve hardens and he walks that's when he finds the house off his nightmares

Ryo: I remember this place where my uncle betrayed me, where I was tortured for years and when I was rescued by my dad Not all bad memories here just mostly

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