I want to live!

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Luffy eats some meat and gives some to Ryo
Ryo: nice thanks Lu

Luffy: Alright ready for round 2

Ryo: oh yeah!

They both roar

They see Robin

Luffy: Hey! Robin! Your still there didn't you hear me yelling!

They hear franky shouting and kicking butt

Ryo: guess that means franky is there too Alright luffy time to go

Luffy: yup it's far but we'll make it

The brothers get ready

Gum gum


Robin: STOP IT

Ryo: (what now)

Robin: How many times do I have to tell you! I'm not part of your crew anymore just go away I don't want to see your face ever again and why did you come to save me in the first place, why couldn't you just let me go, I never asked for this you've gone, for the last time I don't warn you here

The brothers stop

Robin: Do you two hear me! I just want to die!

Spandam claps and laughs: Hahaha now this is entertainment what a twist

Franky: What the hell are you trying to pull your friends put their lives in the line to come here and you

Robin: they decided to do that on their own

Franky: arw you kidding me! Who cares!

Kaku sends franky flying

Cp9 walks out then jumps too the top of the building and stands there

All they hear is cp9 bickering and spandam laughing

Ryo cracks his neck

Luffy: Robin I don't know what to say!

Spandam laughs

Luffy is picking his nose

Ryo just looks really bored

Ryo: ugh seriously Robin

Luffy: yeah that sounds dumb, Listen that won't work we are already here and it was a lot of trouble

Just as he says that Nami and Choper fly through the roof

Ryo: yeah we are going to save you and if you still wanna die once we do that's your choice

Robin gasps

Nami lands gracefully, chopper lands on his head

Zoro climbs up through the roof

And Nami shouts at him

Then Sanji appears and they start bickering zoro asking if he got lost

Then sniper king or Ussop appears
then he lands on the ground hard

Spandam seems legitimately scared now

Luffy: Come on Robin work with me here you can say what you want if you wanna die or whatever that's fine but when you say it you say it as part of our crew

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